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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1786966 times)

It would be useful if there was a ban counter on certain players to notify other admins, because I didn't really know other than doing what I thought was the fourth/fifth ban. Turns out the logs say he's been banned, oh, maybe 12 times by 5-6 different admins. That's that I suppose.
Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.

Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.
Just go away. I'm never authorizing an unban for you again.

Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.

I think you could've just turned your chat off and avoided this, but no.

I don't know how many times and in how many different ways both Pecon and I have to tell you to leave. Do you want logs just to get this through your head?

04/06/15   14:00:56   It's Boshy Time!   34072   loving cheater
04/06/15   14:00:57   Nicepoint   25816   oh
04/06/15   14:01:00   It's Boshy Time!   34072   you cant 1hit kaje
04/06/15   14:01:04   Trinko   33152   so much cheat!111
04/06/15   14:01:08   Tophat   43023   Clearly you can.
04/06/15   14:01:12   It's Boshy Time!   34072   wat.
04/06/15   14:01:22   MasterDoom   177898   how do i change my noobis skin
04/06/15   14:01:26   It's Boshy Time!   34072   but cannon cant deal 3000 dmg, right?
04/06/15   14:01:28   Tophat   43023   control O
04/06/15   14:01:33   Tophat   43023   it does 3200
04/06/15   14:01:37   It's Boshy Time!   34072   fcuk]
04/06/15   14:01:39   Tophat   43023   avatar options
04/06/15   14:01:44   Nicepoint   25816   ?????
04/06/15   14:01:46   Nicepoint   25816   WHAT?
04/06/15   14:01:49   MasterDoom   177898   sorry im a new nub
04/06/15   14:01:49   It's Boshy Time!   34072   but shouldnt armour defend the attack?
04/06/15   14:01:49   Nicepoint   25816   WUT?
04/06/15   14:01:55   Nicepoint   25816   uhh
04/06/15   14:02:07   Tophat   43023   it counts as an explosive
04/06/15   14:02:27   It's Boshy Time!   34072   but armour should defend that damage
04/06/15   14:02:30   Trinko   33152   ow
04/06/15   14:02:42   Tophat   43023   Explosives go through Kaje's armor in addition to hurting it.
04/06/15   14:02:51   It's Boshy Time!   34072   op kaje
04/06/15   14:02:52   It's Boshy Time!   34072   now
04/06/15   14:03:04   It's Boshy Time!   34072   make him op so everyone chooses it
04/06/15   14:03:06   It's Boshy Time!   34072   jk

04/06/15   14:16:40   It's Boshy Time!   34072   forget you top
04/06/15   14:16:43   ShrubScrub   41727   wow
04/06/15   14:17:03   It's Boshy Time!   34072   im bored
04/06/15   14:17:06   It's Boshy Time!   34072   cya
04/06/15   14:17:07   Trinko   33152   i wonder if that counts as disrespect towards those in power

You're not a likable person, you're not wanted here by most of the regular players. I got you unbanned on what, two separate accounts? Maybe there was that tiny chance you could change. You couldn't even hold a mask for a week. I could also pull up the PMs we exchanged a while back, of how you were going to "report me to Badspot and Pecon". Just to nail this point home, below are some of the bans you've had.

04/17/12   13:11:44   siba   5012   ?   34072   5   Bypassing caps filter
04/22/12   04:12:24         ?   34072   10080   Bypassing the caps filter.
05/12/12   05:39:31         ?   34072   10080   Bypassing the caps filter.
01/17/13   20:00:28   Dr. Zegobob   23620   ?   34072   -1   Being a moron, spamming the chat, spamming an admin's IRC, annoying players
11/22/13   16:29:23   Jetz   3673   ?   34072   20160   Lying about being a "famous youtuber" several times. Blatant trolling.
01/16/14   15:10:06   Aware   9374   ?   34072   21600   Mute evade, Complaining, Badgering admins, Trolling players, 2nd ban
02/02/14   13:54:19   Kalim   12443   ?   34072   1440   Avoiding Mute [1-Day ban]
02/25/14   10:01:40   Dr. Zegobob   23620   ?   34072   20160   Being a royal trouble maker and spiting points
03/17/14   12:39:15   Zuki   43023   ?   34072   -1   Royal Pest. Rules 3, 4 & 10. Known trouble user in the past.
04/06/15   14:21:26   Tophat   43023   ?   34072   -1   I do not like being told to forget off. This is your final ban. Grow up, start anew, get another key in a few years.

This isn't even all of them. You can't argue anything in your favor at this point. You're done. Gone. Nothing else is to be said.

Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.
Everything I read from this is beyond pathetic. Today would be the last time for you to stop begging to be unbanned. If you're gonna call Tophat a cheater as a joke, do not repeat it like you mean it. Yes, people do not need you and your malicious acts, and that was demanded 3 years ago. If you're accusing Tophat as a tyrant, you should check yourself 7 times

Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.
You were an idiot, so I decided to ban you as well. You were breaking many rules and distracting players on the server with your nuisance. Even if it was a long time ago, it still looks like you didn't even change.

Judgement will be soon.

lmao holy forget that's good lookin.

Badspot has a unique look at last?

Looks neat, wonder if his weapons will get an overhaul too.

Judgement will be soon.

you spelled judgment wrong

judgement is used just as much as judgment
it's like cancelled vs. canceled

judgement is used just as much as judgment
it's like cancelled vs. canceled
Grammar, loving Grammar

judgement is used just as much as judgment
it's like cancelled vs. canceled

Judgement is the british spelling and judgment is the American spelling, my mistake c: