Author Topic: Apparently some kids at my school do not know how to use a toilet.  (Read 11605 times)

One time, on the first day of 11th grade, I walked into the bathroom and walked into the stall, and I found poop smeared on the side of the stall... First day too...
No respect :\

Apparently most of the guys don't even seem to know that toilets are meant to be sat on, not stood in front of as damn urinals.
Do you loving sit down to piss in your house? I've never sat down to piss in my life, be it a toilet or a urinal.

Lol, I heard these girls talking in the hall today about how there was a stuff on the floor in the stall. I wish I was a girl so I could go in there and just stare at the log laughing.

nobody uses the school bathrooms here because they're haunted

nobody uses the school bathrooms here because they're haunted
1st-5th: bloody mary thing, we even got the principal to tell the school to stop this madness joke

Lol. People said our bathrooms were haunted too, in 1st-2nd it was pretty believable because a teacher actually died at school a few years before I went into kindergarten.

warning :could be gross to some people
"Pee Pee Monster Attacks College 1!"
>pisses all over socket

We've got a genius here, folks.

oh, bump

At our school, people stuff in urinals occaisionally.

I saw a picture of some kid taking a stuff on this passed out girl.

Very NSFW.

I saw a picture of some kid taking a stuff on this passed out girl.

Very NSFW.

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Why this die.
There was a kid, who shat in the sinks and put in ink in the urinals so it spit out ink when you tried to flush it.
some kid got it in there mouth.
also, the kid was 10 and named Caleb.
New Zealand school, Christchurch.

It's what my body does, not me. Want to figure out a way to 'fix' it?
Dude, seriously, that's not safe.

This thread is lol. Just read the whole thread

This thread is lol. Just read the whole thread
IMO it's actually pretty...

King of page 15 of a stuff thread, forget yea.