Author Topic: Would You Rather..?  (Read 6513 times)

nails in the foot with no would you rather

would you rather be stabbed in the gut with a machete or get shot 3 times in the leg

hottie love till marriage, i can use her to make other girls jealous, and if she catches me cheating i'll just be like "nothing of value was lost, cya bitch!"

would you rather be shot in the shin and keep the leg or shot in the balls and loose your sack. 

hottie love till marriage, i can use her to make other girls jealous, and if she catches me cheating i'll just be like "nothing of value was lost, cya bitch!"

would you rather be shot in the shin and keep the leg or shot in the balls and loose your sack. 

Shot in the shin

would you rather, keep your dignity or get a million dollars and have a man rape you?

rape, with the money i'll hire an assassin to kill the rapist and make sure no one knows about the rape.

would you rather have love with an angry owl or have to fight a big black man with a spork?


would your rather explode or be burned by acid?

explode, it would be faster.

Would you rather be eaten by a tiger and live
or be impaled on a spear and live.

spear, the tiger would leave a lot of scarring, as with the spear it would only be a circle around my gut.

save your school from being shot up by a physopath or save a bank from bank robbers.

if you choose one thing the other won't happen.

School.My GF

Would you rather Die or Die?

School.My GF

Would you rather Die or Die?
Selection in bold.

Would you rather be shat on by an elephant or be dropped off a one-story building twice back-first.

Building, I've fallen out of 2 stories back first.

Would you rather save your girlfriend or save the president.

Screw the president, i'd save whoever I'm dating.

Would you rather be raped by an elephant or a black man?


Would you rather squeeze a lime in your eyes or squeeze it over 24 severe papercuts?


would you rather be surrounded by ponies or furries


would you rather be surrounded by ponies or furries
(so you'd choose to be blind?
Ponies.  Furries scare the stuff outta me.

Would you rather be torn apart slowly at a rate of 1/2 inch per minute or be castrated 5 times.

you can only be castrated once
(so you'd choose to be blind?
squirting a lime in your eyes wont make you go blind, handicap

would you rather be a dog toy or a baby toy