Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434125 times)

Vehicle collision, needs to be fixed.
Some people that agree with me:
jeeps will be flying through the ground
Vehicles are horrible with bricks
vehicle system is bad
Vehicles don't really work with bricks
vehicles go through bricks and get stuck
vehicle physics see an upgrade to retain some usability?
tank getting stuck on bricks
carpet flys into the air when hitting a brick
jeep goes through large cubes
Vehicles on bricks gets quite limited
I'm concerned for vehicles.
main concern is about vehicle stuff
I like driving them instead of bouncing up and down on bricks
Vehicles drive fine on flat bricks but get struck down an alley or when they bump into a school house.
vehicles geting stuck in bricks and stuff.
fix vehicle collision
collisions between vehicles and bricks is extremely glitchy
vehicles go through bricks and stuff.
If you do not fix this, the update will be crap.


made of bricks

wishful thinking, i know

Vehicle collision, needs to be fixed.


well, if we're scrapping interiors, logically komp/baddy will have to buff up the collisions between bricks and vehicles to keep vehicles from becoming silly and useless

and wasting our beautiful jeep model



you win this round
I'm not talking about race tracks, I know you can drive on roads fine. I mean driving over terrain.

nice brickcount. there's the problem. in order to duplicate a terrain map smoothly, you WILL have to use a lot of bricks. what a huge waste of bricks for only 1/2 of the slopes actual size.

nice brickcount. there's the problem. in order to duplicate a terrain map smoothly, you WILL have to use a lot of bricks. what a huge waste of bricks for only 1/2 of the slopes actual size.

Then stop trying to recreate slopes and do something original god damn it

Blockland 2 wouldn't be such a bad idea. But when you go to pay you get both of the games for $20

Then stop trying to recreate slopes and do something original god damn it
Any large area of terrain, not just the slopes.

don't use only 4x4s and don't put so much detail into your terrain that people have to jump over 4x4 rocks in the first place

conservation of detail is an absolute must when it comes to map design unless it's either single player or you're trying to draw attention to something in particular

Then stop trying to recreate slopes and do something original god damn it

also stop trying to pander to fps kiddies and use blockland for making lands of blocks

i mean, really. are you trying to impress 5 year olds or are you trying to impress yourself

Well, it looks great but I'm still kind of angry you're removing all of the terrain maps.

keep interiors, it gives us people who suck at building good places to goof off in

Any large area of terrain, not just the slopes.

Well sure, if you dump a metric forgetton of detail into everything. It looks nice, but I'd prefer a healthy balance of quantity AND quality

keep interiors, it gives us people who suck at building good places to goof off in

you could just

you know

get better at building

Or we should start making large brick maps which are good to goof off in and edit.