Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434134 times)

Filipe wanted me to post this. I am quite a little saddened but very very happy at the same time. I am looking foward to this update.

heed, this is a block building game. If you don't want to build with blocks, then go find another game.
i do want to build with blocks but you don't seem to get it. having a terrain generator but having it generate brick terrain instead of the kind we have now is what i want. People would still have to build terrain, but when completed, it could be converted into a more efficient format and then published like a map is today. i'm supporting terrain 100% all the way, but i'm supporting it also in a new way that CAN work with the new system.

wait, what

how does that work

it already generates brick terrain

I love the shadings but then it ruins the idea of building around interiors...

Could you make an alternate download for the current BL version before forcing the update? At least provide us with a method to revert to the old ways for old time's sake. Also, some builds wont work with this new method, namely (the recent) Mythology build and Althur, which is still in progress.

I still believe it should be optional.  I'm sure I'd like to look at a lot of my slate builds with the new appearance, but I'd rather not completely rid of my slope builds.

I think maps as a whole are done for.

This Update + Adjustable slate = End of Maps

Not everyone plays the game just to build, you really must not play the game if you don't get this yet lol
If everyone else is going to put themselves on repeat I might as well too.

They still don't have to build. They can join someone else's server like they already have been for years now.

Holy crab cakes in a soap bin! Fantastic work, all of you!

I feel im one of the only ones who wil enjoy this update now.

I just remembered
I have a script that generates bricks based off terrain
Im gonna use it on slopes right now for you guys :)

I feel im one of the only ones who wil enjoy this update now.
I'll miss the terrain and interior maps, but this actually sounds nice

I'll miss the terrain and interior maps, but this actually sounds nice
your blconstruct map :c

I just remembered
I have a script that generates bricks based off terrain
Im gonna use it on slopes right now for you guys :)

With the size of bricks, and how steep some parts of The Slopes are, I have a feeling this isn't going to turn out as planned.

With the size of bricks, and how steep some parts of The Slopes are, I have a feeling this isn't going to turn out as planned.
Im gonna try