Old model

Author Topic: Old model  (Read 8810 times)

his arms go through his body = fail

That's Mocheeze's mod.
No, that's the beta of Blockland.
Look at the vids that people posted while testing out the beta.
It's later on that Badspot changed the pegs and figures in fear of getting sued by lego.

badspot even said it was mocheezes mod

That's Mocheeze's mod.
No, that's the beta of Blockland.
Look at the vids that people posted while testing out the beta.
It's later on that Badspot changed the pegs and figures in fear of getting sued by lego.

badspot even said it was mocheezes mod
When did this happen?

That's Mocheeze's mod.
No, that's the beta of Blockland.
Look at the vids that people posted while testing out the beta.
It's later on that Badspot changed the pegs and figures in fear of getting sued by lego.

badspot even said it was mocheezes mod
When did this happen?
look at the topic beta sreenshot gallery (yes i kno screenshot is misspelled it soposed to be)

Ok, well, the rounded pegs were modded in by Mocheeze.
The minifigs were originally by Badspot though, and he changed them in fear of being sued by Lego.

Do you mean the beta models that only the Beta testers got to use? I have copy's of that from the lolleaked version of blockland. Or do you mean the 0002 models? In that case: no.
The ones the beta's used! (The pic in front of building)

An option to swap between the current look and one with arms and legs might be nice. But I don't see why it would be needed.

I've found that I miss having legs...

Once upon a time, Tape was walking along when suddenly, Trueno takes his foot, leaving Tape to bounce around on one foot. The End.

If  the full leg model was to be put in the section by the foot/pegleg menu, and the arm in where theres the square and pionty arm, THAT WOULD BE AWESOEM! (Badspotputinnextupdatemaybe?)

An option to swap between the current look and one with arms and legs might be nice. But I don't see why it would be needed.
i could do that but it would only be for minigames

Why not add them old body parts to the choices.