
Did you sign the petition? (Reread the first post)

Yes because it is a violation of the constitution
41 (50%)
Yes(other reason) [State below]
1 (1.2%)
No because while it is a violation, this petition won't do anything
20 (24.4%)
No (other reason) [State below]
20 (24.4%)

Total Members Voted: 82

Author Topic: "Remove "In God we trust" from legal tender" Petition on Whitehouse.gov  (Read 23897 times)

I am the exact oppisite of you. I am WAY beyond crazy and proud of it.
holy stuff that was a loving satire you loving moron

I have to say no, because this is a stupid and pointless waste of time.
Atheists shouldn't care because they don't believe in God, not believe there is none.
Polytheists can still believe it refers to whatever deity they choose.
Everyone else can believe it refers to their religion.

That's the genius of it.
Atheists believe in none.
Polytheists can't agree with it because which god is it referring to? Clearly none of theirs, I don't think any polytheistic religion has a deity simply named god.
Your logic is flawed.
i think its just silly.
again, why do you care whats on your nickel?

I care what's on my money because it is our MOTTO. Our motto reflects our country's standard, and I don't think our standard should be in favor of Christianity ONLY. Do you understand now?

I think we have bigger problems relating to our treasury than what's on the back of a green small piece of paper next to some slave owner's portrait.

No, cause whether ur athiest, hindu or whatever it's a waste of time and energy going through this bullstuff

And the next thing you know, there will be a petition to remove religion as a whole from the country. Then it won't be a land of the free, it will be the land of the atheist snobs.
lol, this slippery-slope bullstuff

no, what people want is religion to stay the forget out of politics and government (you know, like the constitution says). unless the motto becomes "under god or allah or yahweh or brahmin or xenu or cthulhu or the absence of god or _____", the government is favoring one religion over another, which is unconstitutional.

To be honest, as organized religion seeks out to destroy the freedom of others, why is everyone such a stickler about freedom of religion? Read some history books. Religion is responsible for a lot of horrors in the past, which still even exist today. An it's not just slaughter I'm talking about. Just take a look at some of the stances GOP candidates take.

No matter what, religious faith tries to dominate everything. Christians are taught to keep their faith and even potentially spread it no matter how little sense it starts to make. It's like a zombie virus, except it focuses less on killing and more on staying alive so religious leaders can still have power over people.

To be honest, as organized religion seeks out to destroy the freedom of others, why is everyone such a stickler about freedom of religion? Read some history books. Religion is responsible for a lot of horrors in the past, which still even exist today. An it's not just slaughter I'm talking about. Just take a look at some of the stances GOP candidates take.

No matter what, religious faith tries to dominate everything. Christians are taught to keep their faith and even potentially spread it no matter how little sense it starts to make. It's like a zombie virus, except it focuses less on killing and more on staying alive so religious leaders can still have power over people.
This still isn't reason enough to tell people what they should and should not believe. And through reading history books, atheists aren't exactly perfect either unless you consider Stalin's "purges" justified for the promotion of an atheistic and communistic state.

This still isn't reason enough to tell people what they should and should not believe. And through reading history books, atheists aren't exactly perfect either unless you consider Stalin's "purges" justified for the promotion of an atheistic and communistic state.
Of course nobody's perfect. There are horrible atheists as well a horrible Christians. Atheists, however, don't submit their free will to a belief which has no more proof then any of the other hundreds of interpretations of divine being(s). The bible preaches many horrid "morals" such as killing gay people and those who dont believe in your god. Although there is less religious slaughter today, people still try to take away women's right to abortions and gay people's rights to marry and try to impose their ridiculous belief upon others.

I am quite indecisive on this matter. On one hand, religion does need to be separate from the state, on the other hand having "In God we trust" on any US American dollar bill is completely harmless, albeit those whom are sensitive to the issue.

And through reading history books, atheists aren't exactly perfect either unless you consider Stalin's "purges" justified for the promotion of an atheistic and communistic state.
Stalin never did it in the name of atheism, I guess you read your history books wrong and like warping facts to your own appeal. The point of dictatorial states forbidding religious practices was to give all worship to their leaders.

Stalin never did it in the name of atheism, I guess you read your history books wrong and like warping facts to your own appeal. The point of dictatorial states forbidding religious practices was to give all worship to their leaders.
I haven't twisted any facts unlike what your public schools would have you believe. Communism IS and WAS intended and promoted to be an atheist state, with the rejection of gods and religions. You're a loving tool.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 03:35:07 PM by TeslaCoil »

Stalin never did it in the name of atheism, I guess you read your history books wrong and like warping facts to your own appeal. The point of dictatorial states forbidding religious practices was to give all worship to their leaders.
no they were def ahtiests get ur facts straight

I haven't twisted any facts unlike what your public schools would have you believe. Communism IS and WAS intended and promoted to be an atheist state, with the rejection of gods and religions. You're a loving tool.

I think that's the only mass killing "in the name of atheism". Shall we continue on to the oceans of blood shed "in the name of my religion"?

I haven't twisted any facts unlike what your public schools would have you believe. Communism IS and WAS intended and promoted to be an atheist state, with the rejection of gods and religions. You're a loving tool.

If you're going to pull the Stalin argument, then I'll pull the Riddler argument, both aren't really effective so we don't need to do that.
Also, a nice Christian boy like you shouldn't be using words like "forget".

The Great Purge was an attack on political opponents. I have no idea how you are trying to tie this in with atheism.

Marx was not a tyrant. Marx is not Stalin.

I think that's the only mass killing "in the name of atheism". Shall we continue on to the oceans of blood shed "in the name of my religion"?
It wasn't.

aww sweet is this thread magically turning into a communism debate?