Author Topic: Is this normal for my age?  (Read 3640 times)

You're 70 pounds underweight.

Drinking rat poison will help you gain weight.

why is that such a good reaction picture?

6'3" 246lbs. 17
I lift weights.

6'3" 246lbs. 17
I lift weights.
Your name isn't helping me believe you. :cookieMonster:

I'm 5'6.5", 103lbs and 13 yrs old.
I am almost underweight, and I used to be.

You should start being anorexic. Completely good idea.

Wow thanks all for using your silly NON METRIC systems.

Wow thanks all for using your silly NON METRIC systems.

Start being americn

6'3" 246lbs. 17
I lift weights.
Your name isn't helping me believe you. :cookieMonster:
He's posted pictures of himself before. He was pretty fat. Lifting weights is not an excuse to have high amounts of body fat.

I'll just imagine 1 pound is 1 kilogram.
You are all fat cows then.

I'll just imagine 1 pound is 1 kilogram.
You are all fat cows then.
I'm like, 12 kilos.

He's posted pictures of himself before. He was pretty fat. Lifting weights is not an excuse to have high amounts of body fat.
How long ago did I post those pictures? I've lost weight, still am fat, but gained muscle from football.

comedy i hate to be rude but,
please stop posting topics about your appearence/social life
please just go ask your parents or some stuff

I'll just imagine 1 pound is 1 kilogram.
You are all fat cows then.
1 Kilo is 2.2 Pounds if I'm not mistaken.