Author Topic: 0x10c - Notch's New Game!  (Read 27925 times)

I remember seeing someone say they wanted that somewhere, I don't think I actually saw that anywhere though. Although, it'd be possible to write a Basic compiler for Notch's CPU.

Nit teach me how to assembly

Nit teach me how to assembly
Alright, do I have you on Windows Live Messenger, or something?

Alright, do I have you on Windows Live Messenger, or something?
Can you teach me too?
Steam or something?

Can you teach me too?
Steam or something?
Yea, I should note that I'm not a professional. I took one class over a year ago, and even then it was taught my an associate professor who was teaching it for the second time. I basically have the idea of it down, and enough knowledge to figure out what I need, but I'm rusty.

Yea, I should note that I'm not a professional. I took one class over a year ago, and even then it was taught my an associate professor who was teaching it for the second time. I basically have the idea of it down, and enough knowledge to figure out what I need, but I'm rusty.
Fine with me.

What's your Steam?
Opps, meant to PM you, but might as well leave the name here anyways since I'd love to talk to others about this too.

It's Nitramtj.

so whats the details on a early version people can actually play.
are we far off?

You guys are going to pay a monthly fee for a multiplayer game that isnt even in alpha yet? LLL You do realize Notch still hasnt even finished Minecraft yet? He has also broke numerous promises to his community about features he'd add and saying multiple times things are impossible(Pistons and a few others I cant think of atm) later to be proven wrong by the modding community for him to pay them nothing and put them into the default game.

You guys are going to pay a monthly fee for a multiplayer game that isnt even in alpha yet? LLL You do realize Notch still hasnt even finished Minecraft yet? He has also broke numerous promises to his community about features he'd add and saying multiple times things are impossible(Pistons and a few others I cant think of atm) later to be proven wrong by the modding community for him to pay them nothing and put them into the default game.
This is so vastly different from Minecraft.
You really don't think Notch has learned anything over his Minecraft success?

for him to pay them nothing and put them into the default game.

lol why the forget would modders be entitled to anything?
what little warped world are you living in.

so whats the details on a early version people can actually play.
are we far off?
Well, it looks like Notch is going to keep a list of things he's currently working on, and what's coming next, on the 0x10c site. He's got a lot left to do, so I'm going to guess two months. Although, if he's working full time on it, maybe he can do it sooner. This is pure uninformed speculation on my part though.

You guys are going to pay a monthly fee for a multiplayer game that isnt even in alpha yet? LLL You do realize Notch still hasnt even finished Minecraft yet? He has also broke numerous promises to his community about features he'd add and saying multiple times things are impossible(Pistons and a few others I cant think of atm) later to be proven wrong by the modding community for him to pay them nothing and put them into the default game.
Minecraft isn't finished? Well it sure plays well enough for me not to care.

Of course I'm not going to pay for this monthly if it becomes a flunk, but the idea appeals widely to an EE/CS major such as me, and I'm sure it appeals to a bunch of others in the same boat. You're saying Notch's past is a reason not to trust him, but I think it is a reason to believe he can get something interesting done. He's got the experience of making multiple games, and he's been able to make Minecraft fun and interesting (who cares if it's "finished" if we have that.)

minecraft is finished. its retailed as a proper version 1+

no different then how you could claim blockland isnt finished because content could still be added.

You really don't think Notch has learned anything over his Minecraft success?
He's announced what 5(?) new games from his company and they have like a handful of programmers? He should just stick to his cashcow before running off and trying to get more than he can handle.
minecraft is finished. its retailed as a proper version 1+

no different then how you could claim blockland isnt finished because content could still be added.
Sure its "finished" if you ignore the fact that they're still adding stuff into that they promised ages ago and said would be in the game BEFORE it reached 1+
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 02:37:40 AM by Khepri »