Author Topic: DAY Z MEGATHREAD - OP finally gets this mod.  (Read 110530 times)

does anyone know how much dayz will cost once it becomes stand alone, and if it will be a one time purchase or a monthly subscription.

does anyone know how much dayz will cost once it becomes stand alone, and if it will be a one time purchase or a monthly subscription.

One time purchase, rocket said he's gonna follow the Minecraft model so I'm guessing $20

Well if it is a one time purchase.

the first few months or so its come out it will 50 to 80 dollars.

the first few months or so its come out it will 50 to 80 dollars.

source please

I will get BOTH arma 2s for free so i can get dayz

One time purchase, rocket said he's gonna follow the Minecraft model so I'm guessing $20
That's awesome. I'll have to get a patch for it though, since it's most likely going to be windows only given that it was originally based on a windows only game.

source please
Nearly every game i buy on the first day is in the 59.99 to 79.99 dollar range.

Or it could be like you said this is just what most retail games start at.

Hooooooly stuff

someone found one of our main bases and blew up our bus and crushed 1/3 of our tents.

They stole our van and ural and everyone in our group scrambled. I took the helicopter, went in the air to look for it and found it. My gunners shot at the wheels of the ural while our guy on the ground sniped another wheel.

We killed one guy and the other guy jumped from the disabled ural and ran into a forest where he combat logged (and was banned ;).

stuff was so cash- just like a movie. We were flying like 15m from the ground weaving through Lopatino right beside it. Lol.

This mod is fun as balls. Played with a few friends and had a great laugh.

What happened to Extrude's server?

Any server I should be recommended to? Finally have this up and running on the new comp.

What happened to Extrude's server?

im going to assume it was blacklisted

Any server I should be recommended to? Finally have this up and running on the new comp.
any low pop server