Author Topic: BlocklandWorld Wiki - That Wiki Where you Write Stuff  (Read 7554 times)

The BlocklandWorld Wiki was created by Ragref after the heavy vandalism of the old wiki, and it is better in the areas of formatting, bias and administration (As in, there is administration).

At the time of writing we have thirteen pages, including a list of pages that need to be made.  We need your help to expand this.

Make sure to read the rules before making any edits.

Note: In light of how the other wiki turned out, I am not going to tolerate any violation of the rules whatsoever. People who start spam pages will be temporarily banned. Players who post spam in the comment section will be temporarily banned.  People who vandalise pages will be temporarily banned.  Heavily biased pages will be deleted.  Pages that lack a minimum amount of grammar will be deleted.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 10:39:36 PM by Firecycle »

Lacks any actual information, it's just a Facebook for hated members.

Lacks any actual information, it's just a Facebook for hated members.

It was started three days ago.  Of course we don't have much content.  We're working on it.

You could start by not allowing any pages that aren't on factual information, like pages on pretty much anybody besides moderators and game devs.

I don't see why Blockland needs a wiki. It's a sandbox game about legos, there is not much to it

The Suggested Pages is pretty stupid, it should be more about like the actual content of Blockland, not users no one cares about (with the exceptions of creators, i.e. Badspot, kompressor)

this wiki looks really bad, especially when people show their own creations. a wiki is to help people, not to show builds from some people tsss.

You could start by not allowing any pages that aren't on factual information, like pages on pretty much anybody besides moderators and game devs.

I'm doing my best to keep the articles down to "Just the Facts".  I've actually cut down an article Pass wrote about himself to one sentence, and formatted This article about Filipe to the current one.  If you see something that seems like an opinion, feel free to remove it.

The Suggested Pages is pretty stupid, it should be more about like the actual content of Blockland, not users no one cares about (with the exceptions of creators, i.e. Badspot, kompressor)

Point taken.  I am going to start a section listing add-ons and the default builds.

this wiki looks really bad, especially when people show their own creations. a wiki is to help people, not to show builds from some people tsss.

The only time that happend was with Pass.  He was warned.

the old wiki is now a research link because someone put MLP FiM research on it

You're going about it wrong, if you want it to actually be used you should fill it with tutorials on how to do basic and complex eventing things.

You're going about it wrong, if you want it to actually be used you should fill it with tutorials on how to do basic and complex eventing things.

That's a good point.  I'm not sure how good I am at giving instructions but I'll give it a shot.\

EDIT: I'll make one about Relays.  That's pretty simple.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 04:49:48 PM by Firecycle »

Just delete every page about a person. There is no way that anyone in this community can write objectively about another member of this community. Don't even bother with people like Badspot, because then you'll end up with a huge debate over who is important enough to be listed, and whatever is written on their pages will be completely pointless. If you want to write about how Badspot made Blockland, write a Blockland page. If you want to write about how Badspot did something completely irrelevant, it doesn't belong on this Wiki. The only exception you might want to have to this is if you make a List of Mods by SoAndSo page.

Everyone writes a page about himself. lol!

Who stole my username :(

Don't allow any pages about users.