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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 433992 times)

I remember doing that in an ARAM.

I had like 3 AAs, boots, and deathcap, game wasn't long enough to get 5 AAs, but basically I just charged in recklessly and 3 or 4 of them would die.

Then there was the part we aced them cause Kayle ulted me the next time I did that.

RIP AA stacking.

new 'league' system is pretty much like Awesomenauts. lol

lee sin getting nerfed quite a bit in next patch

lee sin getting nerfed quite a bit in next patch
I'm not too surprised.

Got an AP Yi penta in under 2 seconds

Annie gettin visually reworked yo

yeah looks pretty sweet

I literally ulted and flashed to get to the team fight. Everyone died by the time I landed my first q and then I just q'd two more times and they all died

I have newfound hope in ap sion ranked.

I have newfound hope in ap sion ranked.
he's pretty easy to farm with so gold shouldnt be too much of a problem unless you getting zoned.
but you're ap sion and if you're getting zoned then you're doing it wrong.

i'd play him more if he wasnt so boring

I played a decent sion recently and was very surprised

His mana costs are loving outrageous, so you're better off not trying to harass. Farm up by auto attacking with enrage, pop a shield up if you're getting harassed and stun to get away. Once you reach 6 you may win trades because of your sustain.

sion's one of the most underplayed and underpowered champions. he's a melee carry and got nerfed too hard to be ap carry anymore. useless as forget giving tips about him (especially when they're obvious) since he's most likely, hopefully, going to be remade soon.

AA stacking was the most fun on ryze.
i distinctly remember by friend one shotting someone with his Q over and over.