Author Topic: Miniature Wargaming Thread  (Read 34319 times)

Maybe, I will remake all the AT's from votoms in lego form.
Shoulder Mounted Rockets would be cool. I dont know much about VOTOM , but im sure they have some cool designs.

Shoulder Mounted Rockets would be cool. I dont know much about VOTOM , but im sure they have some cool designs.
Watch it you will love it. Its more shooting, explosions and punching. No stupid laser swords or almighty beam super sleek beam rifles with whiny teens like Gundam, its just average every day soldiers and two genetically modified humans.

If its on Hulu or Youtube, im watching it mos' def, bro.

MFZ is also loosely based on VOTOM also btw

Goodluck with that, it's impossible to find.

Thanks alot Harm

Now my designs are gonna have VOTOM influences

All your fault. Forcing me to surf youtube for awesome snippits and eposides against my will. You monster.

anyone piloting a Cabriolet might as well run around the battlefield naked. The design is so risky.

Bump because my mfz company is done and my brikwars army is sufficient

Bump because my mfz company is done and my brikwars army is sufficient
I demand pictures of brikwars infantry

« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 12:51:18 PM by Shadowed999 »

You have a very good looking and detailed army there Shadow.
Hell I can barely competete with mine ( mostly because I barely put any effort into building vehicles.)
Especially your Mechs look amazing but your infantry is also well designed.

I might however have a larger army than you have...
Well it doesn't look THAT good and it's mostly random stuff thrown together but I have a good selection of Mini-figs.

I will get some pictures soon

yay for forgetting to check this topic for 16 days


This is the only warhammer 40k module I found and its undownloadable

what do

Wait a minute, How can guys have Warhammer 40k without Epic 40k on the list?

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 02:20:48 AM by Harm94 »

yay for forgetting to check this topic for 16 days,000

This is the only warhammer 40k module I found and its undownloadable

what do
first google result for "vassal 40k"

Wait a minute, How can guys have Warhammer 40k without Epic 40k on the list?

I remember first seeing them lol.  My reaction was just "holy stuff they're so tiny"