Author Topic: Why is everyone on this forum always talking about "respect"  (Read 2838 times)

Seriously guys, I see, all the time, "omg bro, i have to say, and im being really serious here, that i have lost all respect for you."

it's one thing to say that you disapprove of the person's actions, but to declare that you have lost all respect for a person just makes you sound like an starfish with a head full of hot air.  You are directly stating that you believe you are better than that person.  It's actually pretty annoying, and I'd appreciate it if you'd all stop (you know who you are).

I'm sure that the person you aren't very happy with can gather that you don't respect them very much, without you blatantly stating it.

also, threads like "how much do you respect the above user LOL" just feed the goddamn fire.  so please, for all that is good and just on this earth, stop.

And most of the time these users just see a name, pop in the thread, blurt this out, then leave never to address the topic or the person again.
It's really loving annoying, I agree with OP entirerly.

online respect is lame

I couldnt agree more.

I believe I've only said this once, but now seeing this topic, I see there is no point in believing that.


People look so stupid when they say stuff like "-20 respect" or "i used to have alot of respect for you". Even I am one of those people, i've said things like that before. I guess alot of us are guilty.

Well if you know the actual person then you can say you lost all respect for them.
If you have never met the person like ever, then I really don't know why someone would say that.

I lost all respect for op

I never really noticed how much people say this but you're kinda right (I think I have actually said it before as well)

(I think I have actually said it before as well)
Same, but most of the times I had the right to.

Well if you know the actual person then you can say you lost all respect for them.
If you have never met the person like ever, then I really don't know why someone would say that.
i agree with this

also, I'm sure i've said it on the forums once or twice.  irl, i know i've only said it once, and that's because one of my closest friends was becoming a serious pothead.  I said, "I feel like you're losing respect for your body, just like I'm starting to lose respect for you."  Twas very sad at the time, but he got better.

i agree with this

also, I'm sure i've said it on the forums once or twice.  irl, i know i've only said it once, and that's because one of my closest friends was becoming a serious pothead.  I said, "I feel like you're losing respect for your body, just like I'm starting to lose respect for you."  Twas very sad at the time, but he got better.

Did he stop using?

we don't have respect, we have reps, not respect, but i agree with OP


Did he stop using?
not entirely, but he's down to once or twice a month.  it used to be a daily, "7th period lol" in school thing which was really bad

omgu rave this topic os so bad i lotse al my respetct for u!!!!111!1!