Author Topic: I hate being the spy on TF2 and here's why.  (Read 3833 times)

Optionally, you could play as a different class.
This. If it's too hard for you, play something like Soldier.

Snipers the easiest for me, I just grab my razorback and Sydney sleeper/bazaar bargain and I'm good to go.

You need to be disguised when performing backstabs or sapping. Cloak is unusable for these situations. Even for the best spy it's hard to perform these as ENGINEERS ARE EXTREMELY PARANOID and pyros like protecting engineers.

Oh and pyros can even destroy sappers!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 06:20:47 PM by Lørd Tøny² »

2 engineers.
-one with wrangler
-one giving ammo
Makes me sad.

All you need is a pyro standing next to a dispenser and the spy will never have a chance.

i like to decloak undisguised infront of sentrys to sap them, most of the time they get sapped before they can shoot :D

All you need is a pyro standing next to a dispenser and the spy will never have a chance.

I'd just play with bots (which is actually what I do when I play TF2) if that's getting on your nerves that much.

razorback is the worst sniper item lol, unless in degroot, dont use it

You need to be disguised when performing backstabs or sapping. Cloak is unusable for these situations. Even for the best spy it's hard to perform these as ENGINEERS ARE EXTREMELY PARANOID and pyros like protecting engineers.
why do you need to be diguised while backstabbing?
its easy to kill engis sentries, either stab then sap or do constant saps
lure the pyro away if theres one

All you need is a pyro standing next to a dispenser and the spy will never have a chance.
Not true. If you have Ambassador, you can headshot the pyro then bodyshot him about 2 times. Cloak away and take care of the engie. Stab and sap. This only applies if you have good aim and reflexes though.  :panda:

Stab and sap.

Why do so many people do this?
Just sap and stab, it's easier.

At least for me, maybe it's harder for others.

A decent spy shouldn't really have a problem not getting killed by a pyro. Just run away even if it blows your cover come back later. If you think smart you should never get into a situation where you can be burned by a pyro.

Why do so many people do this?
Just sap and stab, it's easier.
Play with a human and then get back to me lol
Bots are easymode TF2, even on expert, the engis are dumb :c

if you really don't enjoy playing a tf2 class complaining on a lego forum doesn't help but yeah op is actually right.

spy is easy for my to play i just find it a pain in the ass when they just randomly check you for the other team.