
Should the "BoS" have a video introduction?

Great Idea!
Bad Idea...

Author Topic: Band of Snipers [BoS]  (Read 11992 times)

Yeah. When I get the a server going where all the members can meet, then I'll be able to see who's a sniper and who's not.

Hey Logan, I'm ganna need some help putting a server like this together. Seeing as you have some experience in hosting, think you might wanna help?

I'm want to make a sniper-like TDM / CTF where players have utilize their rifle, skills, and teamwork to reach the goal. This would not only provide as a testing ground for the members, but also a server for non-members to enjoy.

If the idea gets off the ground, I'll make this official and ask for help too.

Joffery, dont use Sgt. A Walter's Sniper, you cant predict if itll shoot straight, the better rifles to use, and see how many are EST but CST is probably better

Joffery, dont use Sgt. A Walter's Sniper, you cant predict if itll shoot straight, ...

Isn't his the BF3 one? Yah, definitely not that one.

... and see how many are EST but CST is probably better

Yeah, that's probably the best timezone to schedule off of.

Also, whenever I get this goin', I might ask the fellow members to help me. It'd be neat if this was a group-created build. :)

Hey Logan, I'm ganna need some help putting a server like this together. Seeing as you have some experience in hosting, think you might wanna help?

I'm want to make a sniper-like TDM / CTF where players have utilize their rifle, skills, and teamwork to reach the goal. This would not only provide as a testing ground for the members, but also a server for non-members to enjoy.

If the idea gets off the ground, I'll make this official and ask for help too.
Hmm ok i could help with that. Im not the best at building TDMs, but I might be able to find somebody to help with the building.

Hmm ok i could help with that. Im not the best at building TDMs, but I might be able to find somebody to help with the building.

Yah. I'm planning on hopefully employing really good people with reputations that match their building/eventing ablilites.

Yah. I'm planning on hopefully employing really good people with reputations that match their building/eventing ablilites.

I've recently found Glass' Trench Wars a ripe field to for sniping. Not only does he have rifles that demand absolute headshots, but also a surrounding that will test to see how will you can focus under pressure.

Check it out. It's cool. :)

If the clans doing anything today, I wont be able to attend until after 12pm EST

If the clans doing anything today, I wont be able to attend until after 12pm EST


I dunno if I can get on at that time...

I'm PST.

We need to be more active. We're headed for third page! *shivers*

We need to be more active. We're headed for third page! *shivers*


Welcome ChappersTeddy to the group!

You can basically strap a scope to any rifle and call it a sniper.
Well, yeah.
Think about it like this, back in World War I, a sniper was basically just a guy with a glorified magnifying glass taped to his gun.
Also, yeah, I know I'm late on this comment, just thought I should put it out there.