Author Topic: Setting your child up for Self Delete! Deluxe Edition (naming your child after pony)  (Read 8286 times)

I don't know why people watch it. There's no point in attacking them as a whole, they'll just be like "love and tolerate" or something. The real starfishs are the ones who go too far and ruin some kids name because of how jizztastic their show is.

they'll just be like "love and tolerate" or something

its like trying to argue with a hippie

There's no point in attacking them as a whole, they'll just be like "love and tolerate" or something.
This is actually not true from what I've seen. They appear to be waging war against themselves, trying to push out all the "bad" bronies so their rabble doesn't look so bad. Kinda hypocritical, to preach tolerance when meanwhile you're shoving the people you don't like out the back door.

wtf would someone do this
its like trying to argue with a hippie
whoa man, that's like, way too hostile

MLP has become an extremely controversial subject lately.

its like trying to argue with a hippie
My friends a hippy like person man... He admitted to being a hippy as well.

A few of them in the topic are bragging about how they got to spend time with some great brony artists. A few of these artists draw research. Wow, I'm really jealous I didn't get to spend the day with a few creepy brony mlp research artists!

At least it wasn't a boy with Pinkie's name in it. If it happened to me, it would be enough to make me depressed for my life.

A few of them in the topic are bragging about how they got to spend time with some great brony artists. A few of these artists draw research. Wow, I'm really jealous I didn't get to spend the day with a few creepy brony mlp research artists!

cough badspot

*innocent whistle*

cough badspot

*innocent whistle*

he doesnt draw MLP research. He isnt into Horse pusillanimous individual

he doesnt draw MLP research. He isnt into Horse pusillanimous individual
furries aren't necessarily into dog rooster either

Muppets are loving awesome dont you dare dis them.
I never did.