Author Topic: Shake Screen Event  (Read 1594 times)

People are not getting the point. He's clearly asking for an event that simply shakes the screen without the use of projectiles/explosions.

People are not getting the point. He's clearly asking for an event that simply shakes the screen without the use of projectiles/explosions.

Yes... No projectiles // explosions pls.

Spawning an explosion is still an event... It really wouldn't be that difficult to use instead of an event that says "shakeScreen"

Explosion = brick damage . I like this idea for an event.

T+T have a set of explosions called smalltest, medtest and largetest. These do exactly what you're requesting.

T+T have a set of explosions called smalltest, medtest and largetest. These do exactly what you're requesting.
Could someone take those out and package them in a stand alone mod?

People are not getting the point. He's clearly asking for an event that simply shakes the screen without the use of projectiles/explosions.
read this again.

Doing it without projectiles or explosions is only possible if the client has a client-sided mod.

Doing it without projectiles or explosions is only possible if the client has a client-sided mod.

That would be quite fine for me, 'cause I need it for camera effects for making videos.

I'm not trying to be an ass, but what if someone actually WANTS it to be an event?

That's exactly what this is about.
I would love this event. It would be as if it was an explosion you couldn't see. It would be great for RPs.


T+T have a set of explosions called smalltest, medtest and largetest. These do exactly what you're requesting.

Those cause brick damage.

Spawning an explosion is still an event... It really wouldn't be that difficult to use instead of an event that says "shakeScreen"

We've already settled this. would you shut up?

Ontopic: Maybe there would be a slider in the set output event, and it would go up to 2000 or 200 like the SetPlayerScale event.

for me, it would more for THIS

go to 3:24, exactly what I need it for.

Yes, but that would affect everyone in the radius of the invisible explosion. What if they only want it to affect one person?

There is an event for the red and white flashes that apply only to the client that activated the event, why not this?
People are not getting the point. He's clearly asking for an event that simply shakes the screen without the use of projectiles/explosions.
Yes... No projectiles // explosions pls.
Explosion = brick damage . I like this idea for an event.
read this again.
That's exactly what this is about.
I would love this event. It would be as if it was an explosion you couldn't see. It would be great for RPs.

Those cause brick damage.

We've already settled this. would you shut up?

Ontopic: Maybe there would be a slider in the set output event, and it would go up to 2000 or 200 like the SetPlayerScale event.

You people anger me.

Not making this.

Ive seen exactly this before. The explosion was called "Test" in large, medium, and small sizes.
It wouldn't break bricks and had no emitter/sound to it.

Only thing is, I don't know where it is..