Author Topic: Cortex Command B27 - "See you, enemy dropstuff! OH forget NOT THE BRAIN"  (Read 11379 times)

>order space marine and load him up with awesome stuff
>fall a few feet
>suddenly explode into gibs

He probably weighs a lot with all of the stuff he has.

He probably weighs a lot with all of the stuff he has.

he can fly around like he has the weight of a butterfly

How would I go about updating my game? I bought it forever ago and I still have the campaign locked.
Forget that.

Also, is there a mod to get rid of the really annoying black areas?

Okay, now I've come across another problem. ;(

I bought this with the Humble Indie Bundle a while ago, but I guess I've lost the e-mail associated with it. Is there by any chance a way to find a lost registration key, seeing as I don't want to spend another $20?
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 11:33:24 PM by Illidan »

I probably had my most epic battle in Cortex Command yet.

I went to play Endless Skirmish Defense on Rhias Forest with the "Nuts!" difficulty, which is the hardest. I construct my base first with a rocket silo, and then branching pathways from there with a few doors. The left pathway was mostly a stairway that lead to the surface. I placed four coalition heavies at the surface path to ensure great protection. Three with assault rifles, one with a shotgun. The right path was a path that went straight down, and lead to the left a little towards the gold. I placed a coalition light there with a heavy digger to ensure steady income. I had to place my brainbot close to the surface entrance with the whole "orbit" thing. It was equipped with an auto shotgun and an auto pistol for superior weaponry from the guards. I placed two coalition lights with compact assault rifles in the rocket silo. Let's rock.

Upon starting, hell was beginning to rain from the sky in forms of several dropships and rockets. Dummies left with repeaters, cannons, and lots of other deadly firearms. Dreadnoughts were exiting the rockets and were ready to wreak havoc on my fortification. The enemy forces grew significant, and I wasn't going to get it easy. I hastily move my brainbot to the lower levels of the base. I set a path for the brainbot to go to, and then switched to my miner. I equipped the digger, opened the pie menu and set him to the ai mode that makes him mine the gold around him. I then switch to the guards at the surface entrance.

I selected the shotgunner and went to work on the approaching dreadnoughts that stomped their way here. No way that they're going to get to my brainbot without a fight. I opened fire on the closest dreadnought, and took a significant amount of health off of him. The dreadnought tilted backward from the sheer force of the shot. I fired two more times, the first taking out the turret and the second finishing it off. The powerhouse behind the one I killed swiftly fired unto the soldier which resulted in a quick death. I switched to the riflemen who were fending off the dummies with destroyer cannons and nailguns. Taking control of one of the riflemen, I aimed for headshots on the incoming infantry, and made quick work of most of the dummies.

I soon gained enough ounces of gold to purchase a gatling drone. I placed the gatling drone in the cargo, and selected the dropship. I set the drop off near the surface entrance. After fending off more dummies with the riflemen, the dropship arrived. However, on its way down, a dummy sniper shot off one of its thrusters and sent it hurtling towards my riflemen. As I feared, it plowed through them and drove straight into the entrance. The plus side was that the entrance was now completely blocked. They would have to get through the wreckage and the doors to get my brainbot.

I checked on the miner, and I had a look of dread when all of the nearby gold was gone. I would have to make the most of what I have. Dreadnoughts began unleashing devastating firepower on the wreckage and cleared it immediately, now working on the doors. I readied my light guards as I anticipated the waiting forces. Soon, the doors were destroyed and they were on their way. Taking control of the miner, I had him go on a Self Delete run towards the enemy forces and try and weaken them with his digger. Soon, they met, and the miner jetpacked towards the first dreadnought in line. He was swiftly tearing it down until the dreadnought behind it opened fire and tore him to shreds before the kill was complete. The dummies quickly met the light guards and annihilated them with ease. I ran with my brainbot towards the miner's tunnel opening fire on the incoming forces. I destroyed a dreadnought or two on my way, but a dummy sniper shot one of the legs off of the brainbot. I began to crawl to try and avoid most of the incoming fire. They wrecked my brainbot's shotgun soon after, so I crawled away from the dummies while firing at them with my pistol. I took out about four dummies before a destroyer cannon dummy fired a charge at it and took out it's arm. Creeping towards the end of the miner's tunnel with no hope, I was going to lose soon enough. The same dummy threw an impulse grenade at the brainbot, and blew it into oblivion.

inb4 tl;dr

Okay, so I installed the game. Now my first question is:
How the forget do I make them attack. Srsly failing the tutorial mission is shaming me so much its just :c

Try actually READING the tutorial.

i remember my first advice from my cousin was, "hard is easy, and easy is easy."

been playing hard and easy since 2005 (before the game costed money).

i should redownload and play this again. OH THE JOY OF NUKES!

oh I remember this game
did they ever add multiplayer?

Try actually READING the tutorial. just suddenly tells me to pick up an AK-47 and tell me to defend my base. :c just suddenly tells me to pick up an AK-47 and tell me to defend my base. :c

take the ak47
and shoot at the other dummies

shield + compact assualt rifle works really well

Epic. Dummies are my least favorite enemy to fight, namely due to their goddamn dreadnaughts. Browncoats are second, even though they lack a lot of things it seems. At least the AI doesn't know how to use mines or bombs *shudder*

unitec v shield, who will win?
unitec will, i control them