Author Topic: Relationships Megathread - Ask questions, get answers, discuss love and romance  (Read 8582 times)

I can't believe I'm asking the Blockland forum this, but...

Isn't there another way to not want to have love in the future without masturbating? I'm currently trying to give up procrastination.
All you need is willpower lol

I can't believe I'm asking the Blockland forum this, but...

Isn't there another way to not want to have love in the future without masturbating? I'm currently trying to give up procrastination.
that's pretty unhealthy

So, I had a girl so in love with me she flew to my state, I nailed her, she went home, fell into a deep depression, and has been literally 1 step away from actually killing herself if I make the slightest wrong move that might mean that I don't love her more than anything in the world.

Not really asking for advice, that's just how forgeted of a situation I'm in.

The moment I saw this thread...  lol

I was about to say that whole deal with the "I think relationships at my age are bull crap" when I read the second post. 
I have no doubt relationships are nice, but seriously, is it healthy to just go around saying you have a girlfriend/boyfriend to look cool, and breaking the hearts of those who think they actually love you? 
And to avoid the firestorm I'll think of redemption later. 

Yeah I agree, its never going to work, it doesn't matter how "mature" you think you are. Its too young to be serious, period.

Its pretty silly really. Not sure what the rush is.
what's the harm though? i had numerous little stuffty relationships like that and they were great. they taught me a hell of a lot and i don't think i'd be in a 1 year relationship with someone without having gone through them

Don't be a richard or I'll punch you in the vagina.

nice thread though, i'll keep this in mind.

I find it hard to date, since my dad doesn't know I'm gay.

I find it hard to date, since my dad doesn't know I'm gay.

sucks to be you

All you need is willpower lol

You aren't a male you wouldn't understand

The real question is why would anyone want to stop masturbating (unless it's become an addiction)? It provides some great health benefits. Stress relief, lower blood pressure, etc.

You aren't a male you wouldn't understand
she's right?

how is it not willpower?

she's right?

how is it not willpower?

I was being half sarcastic since I occasional joke around with Miika.

The real question is why would anyone want to stop masturbating (unless it's become an addiction)? It provides some great health benefits. Stress relief, lower blood pressure, etc.

It can also increase chance for p-spot cancer in young men lol

Where'd you hear that? Bullstuff weekly?

I have the best relationship. When hes playing games i know when to stfu.
When im playing games he knows when to stfu.
When we play games together were usually in the same house, separate rooms.
We both love the same cartoons and stupid 90's shows.
When theres food being made, im the one in the kitchen. Hes the one on the couch. (I prefer being the cook)
When i take my clothes off, or wear something lovey, I get the attention from him that i want.
When he's only in his boxers that means hes doing laundry, and that its not an invitation.
Yep. I love my relationship :3 Finally a guy who doesn't yell at me for gaming <3