Re-banned. Don't know how you were un-banned.
You sound like the national socialist like a terrible host. Here is your new avatar.

Re-banned. Don't know how you were un-banned.

You are one mother loving friend. Seriously one of the douchiest moves I've ever seen.

You are one mother loving friend. Seriously one of the douchiest moves I've ever seen.
I dont want TomTom on my loving server.

Ally.G is not TomTom you handicap.

Re-banned. Don't know how you were un-banned.
you are such a douche


1. you can't use glasses anymore?

2. If you're talking about Glass' server, you're not missing out on much if you've previously joined my server.

Re-banned. Don't know how you were un-banned.

This is seriously the cigarettegiest thing you've ever done so far.

I dont want TomTom on my loving server.

Ally.g is not TomTom you dimwitted stuffcake.

This is seriously the cigarettegiest thing you've ever done so far.

Ally.g is not TomTom you dimwitted stuffcake.
TomTom has access to the account.

TomTom has access to the account.

TomTom has better things to do than join your stuffty server and get his brother or whatever relative banned.

TomTom has better things to do than join your stuffty server and get his brother or whatever relative banned.

He has joined my server on 3Alts, And un-banned himself using backdoors.

Ahahaa you're really this dull, If it's a backdoor remove anything he sent you. but it's not. Im sure he's friends with one of your admins so he asks them to unban him. or you just clear your ban list and forget the next day.

And un-banned himself using backdoors.
Then get rid of the stuffty loving add-ons that's allowing him to unban himself...

God, you're handicapped.

And un-banned himself using backdoors.

Work around: Delete whatever stuffty addon contains the backdoor.