Author Topic: The Great Canadian Housing Project : Ten Houses  (Read 8390 times)

I totally forgot these existed.

You just gave me a huge nostalgia bomb
thats why it felt so familiar

i remember visiting that IRL once, it has a sign on the left side now.

Live in an AT AT From Starwars that furdle made! People in your way? CRUSH THEM! People annoying you? BLAST THEM TO SMITHERINES.

Also great view, slow though! Also, high chance of rebel fighters trippin' yo riad biach

We now have three houses!

Can I be moved to Canadian Approvers? I feel left out.

oh my god I love novelty architecture

I'll contribute some goofy stuff if I'm allowed.

Yes, you are allowed. Everyone is.

Yes, you are allowed. Everyone is.


the little touches make each of these houses rad as hell

Is this on a server? When is the server up?

These houses are da bomb.

Quick question, do all the houses have to be mobile?

This is a REAL Canadian house!
Embrace your patriotic side with this house attached to a huge bottle of MAPLE SYRUP!!!!!!!!!!1!!

I whipped this up in like half an hour its not a work of frikken art

Only 19.99! thousand

Look at this beauty!
elegant paint job... seamless blending into the bottle...
unlimited supply of maple syrup!!!

Here is a close-up of the bottle,
You can see the bottle is shaped like a maple leaf

Here is the first floor
Its got a counter,  an amazing staircase
and an amazing Canadian hardwood floor!

Here is the upstairs
its got a bed, a window, a table and a heater for those chilly Canadian nights
Whats that? the bed is too small? Well shut up that what you get for being a Commy
the Russians would've killed for this stuff a few years ago

And here is that fat kid who build this house
he sure loves his maple syrup


the best syrup is the stuff that comes in a can :3
But really, that house is win. Very much win. But it's quite simple.