Author Topic: Of any people, why does it have to be me?  (Read 8656 times)

>not getting the joke
>current year

i've never had this problem before and i sit and sleep in all sorts of funky ways. legs crossed sitting in my desk at school and it never hurts. people ask me about it all the time, i tell them it doesn't hurt. maybe it has something to do with the fact i always wear briefs and not boxers. i also sleep on my side and on my stomach often too. never had this problem.

i guess i'm lucky or something?

I'll never sleep the same way again lol

i read the topic over again and oh god im cringing

You have officially made me afraid of sleeping and this is has mentally scarred me. Thanks alot.

I usually sleep on my stomach. I need to stop though because I often wake up with back pains.


move your testicle around and untie it before it gets too tight.

It should be a simple operation. Don't sweat it.

At least it's not cancer.

If left for too long your testicle will die.
Maybe not as bad as cancer because it doesn't spread, but still a stuff thing to happen to you.

If left for too long your testicle will die.
Maybe not as bad as cancer because it doesn't spread, but still a stuff thing to happen to you.
He left it for over a day.
That means it has a 0% chance of being alive.

If left for too long your testicle will die.
Maybe not as bad as cancer because it doesn't spread, but still a stuff thing to happen to you.
this guy will never have love anyway, i don't see the problem.

i'm so sorry for laughing