Don't look at this if you don't like Vegan shirt.

Author Topic: Don't look at this if you don't like Vegan shirt.  (Read 11040 times)

I don't exactly remember. I was tired.

Maybe its because they don't have a set of vocal cords to scream with, they're still aware they're being chopped or uprooted.
None the less i'm not a flamey person so i'm not going to flame anyone.

You GTFO Bitch. And STFU. leave me a lone. Dealing with school is horrible enough so STFU!!


This topic just gets funnier everytime I read it.

EDIT: I just remembered my name is Bacon  :cookieMonster:

How is eating a plant ( a living thing) any less "evil" than eating an animal?

Don't go into that crap about sentient. I know that many animals have some level of sentience however they are just as aware of their pending doom and feel as much "pain" as do plants (I know plants don't have sensory organs).

Only reason I could agree with these "vegans" is if the animals were made to go through a painful death or such but that is not usually the case.
They prooved on myth busters that plants scream too.
That's awesome, really awesome.

well animals eat animals and don't seem to mind.
naturally we are not any different from animals, don't believe so just because some bible friends say any different.

Humans have been eating meat for many thousands of years.

You say it's wrong to harm animals and use them as food, yet thousands MILLIONS of animals are consumed by other animals every day, so are the carnivores to blame? Is it their fault that they need to eat meat to survive? Are you really that ignorant and handicapped, we eat meat because we NEED to, as Badspot put cleverly, the only substantial source of Vitamin B12, which you cannot live without, comes from eating meat or your own shit?

If you honestly think that animals are suffering needlessly, that is different, if they are tortured to death, that is wrong and I agree with that, but to think that animals suffer needlessly outside of the torture and slaughter, you are wrong. Do you cry when you see a lion tear the shit out of an antelope on the Discovery Channel? Do you really think that slowly killing yourself is cool? Without Vitamin B12, your nervous system suffers, and will fail over time, and you slowly become a vegetable (Funny isn't it?).

Suffice to say, being a Vegan is nothing but a new age Self Delete method, you can and will die without B12 in your diet, I suggest you all study how the food chain works.

Maybe they take like B12 vitamin pills, which are like made out of poop.

Those dietary supplements ultimately come from either meat or stuff. I guess you aren't a real Vegan if you eat something that comes from meat, or animal products.

Mwhahaha! so they are doomed to die!

Wait, B12 comes from animals?

My cereal has B12 D:

Yes, grain is probably fertilized with manure, or comes in contact with it.

How could you sick sadistic vegans do that to a poor harmless plant D:  :panda:

Yeah, what about the plant's feelings? You are all too insensitive to think of poor Wheatie.