Author Topic: Buildable Vehicle (by Truce) (Updated 27 Dec 2012)  (Read 60007 times)


loving WHY
Because this add-on deserves a bump

Honestly, this add-on is great. Why has nobody done anything with it? More chassis, more options, maybe a way to save it with the vehicle brick, and you could make some cool servers with this

Only real men bump why bump? YOU CAN BUILD ON THIS THING!!

Only real men bump why bump? YOU CAN BUILD ON THIS THING!!

you should really drop your balls in a few years then come back to the forums it'd be a shame f you were to get banned.

how would i get banned geting this addon up here? its EPIC!!

how would i get banned geting this addon up here? its EPIC!!
If you bump an old enough topic with nothing to add but 'BUMP' then you'll be banned and get the topic locked.

Also take others advice don't post until you get how this forum works.

ah well..i just want this back up here so the maker may continu it some day :P and for others to beable downloade it and build there own cars and stuff

ah well..i just want this back up here so the maker may continu it some day :P and for others to beable downloade it and build there own cars and stuff
There's a reason why Truce only made one. So people could edit and make there own.
I'll see if I can release the pack my friend made with flying buildable vehicle, gravity and other ones.
Full credit to him and Truce of course.

There's a reason why Truce only made one. So people could edit and make there own.
I'll see if I can release the pack my friend made with flying buildable vehicle, gravity and other ones.
Full credit to him and Truce of course.
dos it include naval and the abilty to have turrets?!?

If you bump an old enough topic with nothing to add but 'BUMP' then you'll be banned and get the topic locked.
Have I been living under a rock or something because I've never seen that happen

I'll see if I can release the pack my friend made with flying buildable vehicle, gravity and other ones.