Author Topic: Graphics Card for Blockland  (Read 3103 times)


And since I have no idea what any of those parts are, I am willing to bet that I won't be able to build my own laptop. The best thing I can do from what I have read from you guys is to just buy a gaming computer and give this one to my little brother (the only other person who uses this laptop). But it will probably be a while before I can do this because of our money situation right now.

He wants a graphics card for blockland

Intel does not support graphics for blockland. I clearly know what i am talking about
"intel is a horrible graphics card"
Yeah, that is such a well formed and though out sentence.

Intel doesn't make graphic cards you handicap.  It's the chipset that comes with Intel on-board video sets that doesn't support GLSL.
Just because a chipset doesn't support GLSL doesn't make it "horrible".  It's just not intended for gaming.

I use a geforce gtx 660. Its really great for blockland and the latest games on steam. for ex: Black Ops II

I don't know what any of that is.

To be honest, I would be ok with someone posting a link to a good gaming computer for Blockland that's around 500-550$.

ivy bridge core i3 is the PROCESSOR from INTEL. It is a high end processor.
PSU is the Power Supply Unit. Its like a small transformer inside your computer that powers all of the components
mobo is a shortening of the word "motherboard" which houses all of the components.
optical drive is the place in where you put the cds and dvds
8GB memory is referring to the RAM which is Random access memory. It is used for random things.
coolermaster case is referring to the case in which all of the components are housed.
and the graphics card is sometimes refered to as a video card, or a gpu. It processes video and the better you have, the higher settings you can run. I recently upgraded to a EVGA GeForce 650. I can run shaders & shadows on max with no lag.
keyboard is a standard appliance that you can find on most computers. It sends electrical pulses to the motherboard and processor and defines those inputs as letters.
mouse is a standard appliance that you can find on most computers. It send electrical signals to the motherboard and processor and moves the mouse pointer accordingly.

This should clear things up a little.

Here is one of the more common coolermaster cases as described in the earlier post

and here is a picture of the video card mentioned in the earlier post

this will fit into the most basic computers, seeing as it did to my 2 yr old computer.

"intel is a horrible graphics card"
Yeah, that is such a well formed and though out sentence.

Intel doesn't make graphic cards you handicap.  It's the chipset that comes with Intel on-board video sets that doesn't support GLSL.
Just because a chipset doesn't support GLSL doesn't make it "horrible".  It's just not intended for gaming.
excuse me, I know absoluteness nothing on internal computers except that intel graphics sucks

excuse me, I know absolutely nothing on internal computers except that intel graphics sucks

excuse me, I know absoluteness nothing on internal computers

Correct, stay out of this thread :)

He wants a graphics card for blockland

Intel does not support graphics for blockland. I clearly know what i am talking about
excuse me, I know absoluteness nothing on internal computers except that intel graphics sucks

You're loving handicapped.

Do all gaming computers have the tower? And can I get a good gaming computer for around 500$ or 550$ (that runs Blockland well)?

Do all gaming computers have the tower? And can I get a good gaming computer for around 500$ or 550$ (that runs Blockland well)?
A good gaming computer for $500?

A computer that can run Blockland well for $500?

What gaming computer for a good price runs Blockland really well? Also, you can still use the internet on this type of computer, right?

For a graphics card I would go with an ATI card preferably an HDMI supported card, seeing as how everything is goin that way. If your looking for the cheapest price but balanced performance you can always go with an embedded chip.

I have an Nividia Geforce 6150SE and can run blockland fine. I cannot utilize shadows, however. I am sure it's mostly because Nividia sucks fat rooster (at least my card) compared to a "similar" ATI card.

Blok I honestly suggest you read up on the internet some basic articles explaining what computers are and what each components purpose is.

Also, building a custom PC can come out a much cheaper option. Finding the parts to one of my own turned out to be £200 pounds cheaper and even slightly more powerful, and honestly there are so many tutorials on how to buy them and assemble them.