Author Topic: Spade's Arcade 6 - [Welcome to the Arcade - More games :D ]  (Read 23735 times)


Sorry for triple post

Why do you get banned for 666?
I know with the Bible and all but why the ban?

Why do you get banned for 666?
I know with the Bible and all but why the ban?

Because there must downs if you play all day winning all numbers

I forgot that I took pics of the grand opening!

can spade or some other admin look at my machine?

Why won't this be up for the whole year.

Why won't this be up for the whole year.
Because dedicated hosting is expensive.

Why won't this be up for the whole year.

Because that would totally kill the fun.

I have my own claw machine there now. Hooray.

someone look at my MACHINE

Server crashed.

Apologies to anyone who lost content. Server will hopefully be back up within the hour.

Hate to bump, but someone won the slot, and I don't have Jam's trust!

i just got 399 on star traveler. :)

I finished Spade's Arcade Treasure Hunt