Author Topic: Nasoa's Kart Racing [v2]  (Read 35418 times)

I'm the best animator ever.  :cookieMonster:


Put the name Racerboy over the player in the red kart, and Kickflow over the guy in the blue car.

Did you look at my track? if you're interested, pm me.

lol, quite accurate. Work should begin on some new maps at noon tomorrow, sorry for ignoring the admin apps at the moment, I'll get moderator mod next reset so I can approve some more of you. Also considering adding votekick, but people may use it on people who ram. And don't deserve a kick.

Do not install vote-kick. That is probably the most evil add-on ever created.

Da handicapped making of this beautiful animation

Whats the program called?

It's literally right at the top.

Macromedia Flash Professional 8.

Whats the program called?
(it's not at the top of the picture or anything)

But yeah that's the same program I use in school and supposedly it's expensive as forget.

Racerboy: forget your stuff
Racerboy: I pointed out that it was on the top :(
Racerboy: forget you
Racerboy: now I look like a richard
Zuijj: LOL
Racerboy: forget your ninja edit stuff stuff forget
Zuijj: yes you do
Zuijj: brb quoting your post and calling you an starfish
Racerboy: it's too late now
Racerboy: TOO LATe
Racerboy: forget YOU
Racerboy: forget
Racerboy: NO
Racerboy: SKILL
Racerboy: NO
Racerboy: forget
(it's not at the top of the picture or anything)

But yeah that's the same program I use in school and supposedly it's expensive as forget.
Racerboy: forget

(it's not at the top of the picture or anything)

But yeah that's the same program I use in school and supposedly it's expensive as forget.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 06:51:39 PM by Badspot »

Racerboy banned me for 300 min. for spamming.

When I didn't.


I also messaged him and he just said "No." and "Your mom." then blocked me.

People are so intelligent.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 06:24:27 PM by gr8dayseth »

Racerboy banned me for 300 min. for spamming.

When I didn't.

haha good one, Saxophone witnessed it too.

haha good one, Saxophone witnessed it too.
I only faked "ragequitted". Once. Just a joke.