
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1329950 times)

Office Depot had a 2TB Western Digital drive for $100.

Office Depot had a 2TB Western Digital drive for $100.
yeah if you'd prefer 2tb i think you should get rid of the cpu cooler. i'm also using a 3570k with stock fan and it's working great.
edit: but it's at stock clock speed

can someone find some parts for me to build a computer?

my max is $600 and im usually hosting a game + playing the game + in a skype call so it needs to have good multitasking abilities

i cant use the $600 in the OP because i need it specifically geared towards playing games and sometimes multitasking (and it being powerful enough to have two monitors hooked up to it)

im not really good at these sort of things so id rather just leave it to the amateurs with a bit more experience than me

can someone find some parts for me to build a computer?

my max is $600 and im usually hosting a game + playing the game + in a skype call so it needs to have good multitasking abilities

i cant use the $600 in the OP because i need it specifically geared towards playing games and sometimes multitasking (and it being powerful enough to have two monitors hooked up to it)

im not really good at these sort of things so id rather just leave it to the amateurs with a bit more experience than me
i thought you were looking to make a laptop? if you're still interested, i found a $600 laptop that's slightly better, it's got a better processor and gpu

i thought you were looking to make a laptop? if you're still interested, i found a $600 laptop that's slightly better, it's got a better processor and gpu

looks nice maybe

i was going to get a computer because that has more bang for my buck, but this will definitely sway my opinion

if you want more opinions, check out reddit.com/r/suggestalaptop since i'm not the best authority on this

I think im just going to go with the 12 hundred dollar one in the topic, finding another good set is too hard
EDIT1: Do i need more than one cooler?

EDIT1: Do i need more than one cooler?

that made me laugh sorry


EDIT1: Do i need more than one cooler?
no you need at least 8

How is this build?  I'm keeping my current hard drive and optical drive.  Is the 660 an overkill?  Should I go with the 650 instead?  Also my budget is around $650 max if you want to make changes. 
Will everything fit in the case and be compatable?  Here is my current computer (picked it up used for cheap when i didn't know a single thing about computers) if you can tell me if the hard drive and optical drive will fit in the new one:

Is the 660 an overkill?
anything under a 680 is never an overkill. a 660 would probably play most games at medium settings.

anything under a 680 is never an overkill. a 660 would probably play most games at medium settings.
Is the 670 worth it?

Is the 670 worth it?
wait, so what is your optimal budget? ill try to come up with something myself, too