Author Topic: THQ Will auction off franchises  (Read 3719 times)

This is a trailer that I made for the game "Spore"
It is not of the RELEASED game, but of what the game was originally meant to be like.
Hope it sparks an interest in the game.
It looks like a good game to me.
What's your point?

I mean, they don't say it's the best, but I just recalled that SimCity was EA too.  Both, I think are fun on their own level.

Read the comments fool.

Developers have no/little say.
..I see no evidence for this

..I see no evidence for this

Go watch the original spore prototype videos.

Theres blood and love.

where did the blood and love go?

Also they ruined The Sims for me :C
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 01:53:58 AM by Menen »

Go watch the original spore prototype videos.

Theres blood and love.

where did the blood and love go?
the developers took it out
i see no evidence that they were forced to by EA, they probably just realized they'd get way less sales

the developers took it out

there is no evidence of that either.

You are defending a company that wanted to buy steam for only 1 million dollars.

there is no evidence of that either.
no, they're quite obviously the only ones that touched the game during development, hence the term "developer"
now, they may have been DIRECTED to take something out of the game by EA, but EA didn't remove it themselves. I'm just trying to find out if there's any actual evidence EA influences the production of their games as harshly as everyone likes to think

and i'm not defending anyone, i'm just trying to find out if everyone's claims that EA is a ruthless game-destroying motherforgeter are true, and so far no one has evidence

I'm just trying to find out if there's any actual evidence EA influences the production of their games as harshly as everyone likes

Im starting to think that you down understand how EA works.

they aren't some random company that merely suggests what game developers do. They OWN the game development studios and have executive order over what is produced by said studios. If they [EA] don't like something the developers made, they can make them remove it.

Im starting to think that you down understand how EA works.

they aren't some random company that merely suggests what game developers do. They OWN the game development studios and have executive order over what is produced by said studios.
here's how it works

EA is a producer. Company X is a developer. Company X has no money of their own to finance the production of a game they want to make. They turn to EA. EA gives them all the money they could ever need to develop the game, and handles things like advertising and distribution. In turn, EA can influence production of the game (since, after all, they're paying for it) and I'm sure receives some portion of any profits.

EA never once directly changes development of the game. They may, I'm sure, see the direction a game is taking and say "No, that won't work, not enough people will buy it - if you want our money you'll have to change that." They're just trying to make a smart investment, and who can blame them? They're paying another company millions of dollars to develop a game that could just flop.

So all I'm trying to figure out is if EA was actually the one that ruined games like Spore. I've never seen a single shred of evidence to suggest that.
(And, on another level, you should ask yourself if Spore was actually ruined - sure, it wasn't the game YOU wanted, but it was pretty successful and plenty of people loved it)

So why games that EA has published like command and conquer 4, mass effect 3, recieve poor reviews and negative criticism? Why does FIFA 13 look like FIFA 12? Why is every Madden game the same? Why are you defending a company that sales overpriced dlcs? A company that wants to wipe out the used game market? Created stuffty drm software? That tried to Buy Valve and Gearbox recently? Because, EA is run by greedy investors.

I will blow up your house with a bomb that will produce four different colored explosions. Because opinions matter.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 02:31:06 AM by Harm94 »

EA also has really stuffty servers for FIFA that always seem to be down or go down whilst you're winning someone

EA releases a game, and after a few years they take down their official servers.

Reasons this is bad:

     -Players are not allowed custom servers. 
     -You must use EA servers.
     -Even single player games require a login to play, no matter what.  Login must be achieved through EA servers specifically for each game.

EA does not offer free DLC.

Reasons this is bad:

     -They charge full-price for the main game.
          On this note, the main games never include much.  See "Sims", any version/year/make.
     -The DLC can cost up to the same price of the original game per.  Each DLC doesn't add much.
     -EA releases tons of DLC for each game. DLC requires the EA servers to attain, download and use, and the payments for each DLC does not.  I have an old The Sims game with a "Living Large" DLC from when I was younger.  The DLC is not available for me anymore, as it was not purchased as a disk.  Contacting EA, I was informed that it would work if it were a disk, and that I should buy a used one seeing as they no longer make them.

I dunno, all the EA talk made me rant.

Koch Media bought Volition and the Metro IP, Crytek bought Homefront, Take 2 bought Evolve, and Ubisoft took Montreal and South Park: The Stick of Truth Sega took Relic, No bids for Vigil.

$500k for Homefront, $5.8m for Metro, $3.2m for South Park, $26m for Relic, $2.5m for Montreal, $11m for Evolve, $22.3m for Volition.

Why does nobody want vigil? :(
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 03:33:18 PM by tails »

Crytek bought out homefront? I thought they were owned by ea?