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this isn't a real condition, and here is why: everyone gets annoyed by things, you can be annoyed by certain noises, and not even notice other ones.
Listen, you are a kid, you know nothing about things like this. You have done incredibly handicapped things before and you want to start an argument with someone who is far more intelligent than you talking about a common mental lapse. Just stop arguing and leave him alone. You're making yourself look like a total idiot.
what does my age have to do with anything? he's done handicapped things too.i also don't care if i'm making myself look like an idiot. i think it's fake, and i'm stating why.
i think it's fake, and i'm stating why.
What you don't seem to be understanding is that this is not just being extra-annoyed at sounds and people. It literally and physically irks me. It's not exactly pain, but it comes with a physical feeling. My shoulders twitch sometimes when I'm triggered and annoyance alone doesn't do that
It seems both sides have run out of arguments and has moved to insulting each other.
I don't like country music."MUST BE A MEDICAL CONDITION NO DOUBT"
Please for the love of god, leave.
Wrong.You are going off of an opinion, music is something you grow up with and get used to. You can get used to country music. People with this issue can't get used to those various noises.
It's because they all have "scientifically proven" mental conditions.Did you even watch that video? The man grew up with his dad who did all of the stuff he didn't like.If I'm going off of an opinion, that means it's just that one dude's opinion that he doesn't like flip-flops or what have you.