Author Topic: 2013/03/11 - Blockland r1853  (Read 118172 times)

Help? I'm trying to get my bots to go throughout 4 waypoints, #4 is their spawn. It starts out heading towards 1 fine, then it jumps and crouches as it heads to 2. It goes back to 3 fine again and when it gets back to its spawn, it runs in circles around it for a bit before it decides to repeat the process.
I'm trying to make them target practice, so I need them to not jump or run in circles.

For jetting you can do onBotSpawn -> changeDataBlock -> standardPlayer or any playertype that has jets. If their datablock has jets enabled they will try and use them.

Oooohh, that's why they don't use jets, thanks

Stick a brickdo up your bot.


I may be missing somthing but with this new update 90% of my vehicles won't load in game (but appear in the vehicle list) and the remaining 10% refuse to move. If this is somthing that needs to be moved to help please inform me to do so.

I may be missing somthing but with this new update 90% of my vehicles won't load in game (but appear in the vehicle list) and the remaining 10% refuse to move. If this is somthing that needs to be moved to help please inform me to do so.
Disable gamemode_speedkart in the custom addons menu

Disable gamemode_speedkart in the custom addons menu
Thank you sooo much :)
here you deserve these :cookie: :iceCream:

How do you change speedkart tracks?
Ontopic: Yay! Bots now come with the game!

Is it possible to make bots throw snowballs?

Yes, I think if you use the Item_Snowball mod. (it's somewhere in the add-on section)

yeah some cool person made a mod called item_snowball, you should check it out
I heard the creator is really good-looking
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 02:08:58 PM by Electrk »

yeah some cool person made a mod called item_snowball, you should check it out
I heard the creator is really good-looking

what does the creator of the mods appearance in real life have to do with the mod itself

tell us all please

what does the creator of the mods appearance in real life have to do with the mod itself

tell us all please