Author Topic: Loveless - spammer  (Read 4872 times)

loveless prepared to spam on filipe's
got him on and loveless is banned

Oh god!  Someone mentioned religion!  Seal the blast doors!  Sound the klaxon!

...seriously, loveless is trying to start stuff and will most likely succeed because everyone here is so gullible.

loveless prepared to spam on filipe's
got him on and loveless is banned

cannot tell if joking because loveless ID is 41999 not 14999


This is why people hate roblox. The community is loving stuff. Yet im a robloxian my self and I witness this all on the game.
   \/  \/ \/

-copied games
-copied clothing
-constant chain spam
-and just being a dumb forget in general

Thanks, Captain Obvious. You've saved the day with your declaration of blatant information.

Well if you're gunna make a thread about me you might aswell know a little bit about who i am. I am Loveless. I have no friends but that's not my fault. I love children. I love volunteering at the local animal shelter where i help disabled children become less handicapped. i feel truly blessed when i look into the eyes of a handicapped child and know i did something to make their life less miserable.

i'm also an Atheist because religion is about control, not about truth. If there are any religious people reading this you should look at people who follow a different religion than yours and see how faith isn't about truth, it's about locking yourself into an unquestionable idea.

If you want to know more about me please visit me at . thank you for your time.

I remember once that he was spamming "There is no god" on Siba's server, and I already banned him from my server too

Do you honestly think I'm loveless. here we go again with this argument, get some solid evidence and then you can make a claim like that, your word proves absolutely nothing.

I remember once that he was spamming "There is no god" on Siba's server, and I already banned him from my server too

shouldn't be banned for spamming the truth though ..

shouldn't be banned for spamming the truth though ..
Why do people can't realize that nobody can say that there is god or not...

shouldn't be banned for spamming the truth though ..
It's still spam though. If someone spammed "Riddler WAS A HORRIBLE PERSON" they would get banned, dumbass.

It's still spam though. If someone spammed "Riddler WAS A HORRIBLE PERSON" they would get banned, dumbass.

really because I'd welcome them into my server

Riddler was pretty horrible

maybe loveless is spamming to get attention
Because he's

Btw he's trying to piss you guys off using every strategy he can (bringing in his religion, etc.) if you can't see that already.
Does his activity here constitute a ban?

100% troll

probs is Eepos