
Upcoming Quest Reward

A horse + Combat Exp.
12 (46.2%)
An avatar + Combat Exp.
14 (53.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Author Topic: Land of Blocks - Blockland's RPG SERVER ONLINE (Hosting again!)  (Read 51501 times)

I have absolutely no idea why I'm even posting here. I suppose I'm just mad or something, but I feel like it's necessary.

As a gamemode, this is passable by Blockland standards. I don't enjoy it, but comparably it's not terrible. The systems are there, it has potential, but it falls very short. The pushing is awful, the PVP zones are awful, the world you feel safe in is very small and the quest system is not yet fully taken advantage of. The auto-capitalization is annoying, the AI is sub-par, the skills are very grindy like DRPG, etc. Trading is nice. Banking is nice. The GUI is decent. Dialogue works pretty well minus some minor bugs.

Also, the auto-capitalization thing definitely contributed to the escalation of this. Makes you come off as a lot more rude.

The real problem lies in the creator, and that's what ultimately led to my big baby leave. Elm is egoist, insulting, and overall an unpleasant person. He is completely un-open to criticism and extremely childish, and I wish there were super-superlative forms of words so I could stress these further. Some of you may know that I am very picky about RPGs. I was talking about some of my thoughts on the server (calmly at first, after a bit i started getting less civil, has to be said), and he got increasingly defensive. He never really had any actual responses to my complaints, they were pretty much all either minor insults or outright ignoring me.

Eventually, he ran out of patience (as did i) and we both just started whining back and forth.

here are some rough samples:

I did tell him when I joined that I was extremely critical of RPGs; I don't know if he responded or not.

ottosparks: I would tell my opinions of the game/you, but I get the feeling that's not allowed.
Elm: Give your opinions.

ottosparks: (something probably about the rpg not being that great)
Elm: You know, you should do less talking/whining and more playing.

ottosparks: (something about design). I'd be more OK with it if the creator weren't an egoist brat.
Elm: So it's bad because of the way I act? Intense.
ottosparks: Not really.
In retrospect, saying that wasn't necessary and I'd like to apologize for it, regardless if how empty it may seem.

ottosparks: I'd link to something i've already written about this, but i doubt you'd read it and frankly i'd probably come off as narcissistic
Elm: I've read your posts. (referring to here i'm guessing)

Elm: Funny how you write about RPG design but couldn't actually write one yourself :).
ottosparks: Not even going to respond to that.
Elm: Good. Don't.
ottosparks: I like how since you can no longer defend yourself (probably never could), you've taken to insulting me.
-nothing relevant that i can remember, if i'm leaving out something dumb i said sorry-
ottosparks: I can and have in the past, but i have no reason to anymore because i think i've learned everything i can from TS.
Elm: Even if you had all the knowledge of Ts in the world, you probably have no experience with systems. So everything you make will be inefficient as stuff.
mm this got to me more and that's why i didn't let myself get into it too much. i had actually prepared for this debate before i even entered the server, but the context wasn't right for any of my responses. really i laughed and got mad at the same time. like "wow i like how you just assume i'm not as good as you because i don't find your works spectacular", but it's also so hilariously false. like, i made a dynamic system to handle making text on certain GUI types appear to be typed (like in most games where dialogue text types out instead of just appearing). and nowadays i make everything so ridiculously over-dynamic that it's annoying sometimes.

Elm: You sound mad.
ottosparks: Probably because i'm letting you irritate me for some reason.

Elm: Go back to your stuffty jail RPs.
(i just left at this point. i guess he assumes since i don't enjoy his server i like to wallow around in the lower majority of the server list.)

Whining was done on both parts. Each time one person whined the other seemed to get less capable of not doing so. I tried to calm down when I got upset, but I wasn't able to control myself.

Again, I apologise for my behaviour (AKA the sarcastic delivery of my thoughts), but I recant nothing.

Game: 6/10 quirky but good could be worse
Server: 0/10 do not go
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 04:45:16 PM by otto-san »

I don't agree with everything he said but he has a valid point. Elm doesn't listen to his players that much, he just makes what he wants to make. I agree that Elm is a bit annoying to talk to but that doesn't matter that much compared to how the game is, boring. Elm needs to listen to his players and make some actual fun stuff. Just grinding all the time 24/7, is not really that fun. There are hardly any quests to go on, no adventures to be had, no story to propel you forward, and no exciting enemies to fight, like bosses. Now saying all that, this server still has some positive elements. Good music, great GUIs, and good banking/trading systems, just to name a few. But that isn't enough for most people to come back to the server. Elm if you want your server to be more popular, listen to your players and actually make stuff that keeps people coming back.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 01:31:44 PM by WALDO »

I have to admit, I agree with Waldo, and some of what Otto-san was saying (definitely not all of it though). However, Elm has been working on this for a long time (not sure precise timescale, id guess 6-12 months), but even so it is still unfinished. On the few chances I get to speak with Elm (hes AFK 90% of the time i'm awake), he has told me some new features that he has planned, and some that hes working on. But the main problem I find with Elm is that he doesn't work on adjusting and balancing existing features. Fortunately, I enjoy that sort of thing, and it was balancing the shop prices (along with a few other things) that got me admin on the server. To cut the crap out, if Elm communicated more with the players (including me), I think the server would get much better. I'm usually on every day, and I try to bring the community together. I answer a lot of questions from people, but there's a lot that I cant answer, simply because I dont know what Elm is working on or what he's planning.

The server just crashed, i'm loading a backup, but a lot of progress was lost. Elm, come restart the bots please.

Edit: I fixed most of the bots, come anyway though.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 10:14:40 AM by boodals 2 »

your server crashed elm. please fix as soon as you see this message.

Alyswell is now open.

Introducing a new town, where you're now able to buy horses. Horses can be bought for 30k of gold and come with 500 health. You go into your inventory to spawn and de-spawn your horse. Mounting another player's horse will result in a +10 bounty added to your current bounty which will make you instantly wanted, so avoid doing that. When your horse dies, it's gone forever until you buy another horse.

Alyswell will also be the home for the new skill, fishing. I'll be posting a new reply in this topic when fishing is all coded up. Along with fishing, will come cooking, which you can use to heal you and gain special attributes such as extra damage for x amount of time, better defense for x amount of time, etc.

Also don't forget to download and install the music. There are now two new songs in the music pack, for Alyswell's forest and the actual town, Alyswell.

When your horse dies, it's gone forever until you buy another horse.
For 30k?

Lame. If you can't predict that players will kill your horse just so you can waste 30k then I have lost hope in this server.

For 30k?

Lame. If you can't predict that players will kill your horse just so you can waste 30k then I have lost hope in this server.

Horses are safe, in safe zones, so it's not really lame. Don't like it, go code your own RPG.

on note of the horse as an inventory item

when attempting to despawn it, is that possible from anywhere or is there a a certain proximity to it; adjacent to it for instance

if a player does manage to steal your horse, you can't despawn it right?  that would make logical sense, but I dont know how you have it planned out haha

on note of the horse as an inventory item

when attempting to despawn it, is that possible from anywhere or is there a a certain proximity to it; adjacent to it for instance

if a player does manage to steal your horse, you can't despawn it right?  that would make logical sense, but I dont know how you have it planned out haha

There's no radius right now, i considered it but didn't think it was necessary. You cannot de-spawn your horse if it has been stolen, correct.

Nice, although it's easy to get 30k, I think it should be around 20-25k

Horses can be bought for 30k of gold
When your horse dies, it's gone forever until you buy another horse.
Did Porto put you up to this to help him set up a monopoly over the misery and suffering industry again?

Did Porto put you up to this to help him set up a monopoly over the misery and suffering industry again?

Does he even play on this server? Lol.

pretty town

Don't like it, go code your own RPG.
but if you improve yours in ways that players commonly suggest, then it'll be more enjoyable, and therefore more successful, and therefore more right to call "blockland's best RPG"