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A horse + Combat Exp.
12 (46.2%)
An avatar + Combat Exp.
14 (53.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Author Topic: Land of Blocks - Blockland's RPG SERVER ONLINE (Hosting again!)  (Read 51521 times)

i get the idea you like to break things jetz lol
Well, the game was a bit too grindy for me but Elm's been a friend of mine for a long time so I stuck around for a while and helped spot simple bugs early on, then continually abused them for laughs until he fixed them, usually in ways that made my eyes bleed, but fixed them nonetheless.

Bump and here is a idea for the server: wild horses, they can be tamed but  they are very hard to tame you can give they food like Apples (1/50 chance to tame rather than the normal 1/100 when you try to break a horse's wildness via trying to ride on it) or sugar blocks (insta-tame but are extremly rare or you can buy them for 10k gold) or craft with 50 sugar at alyswell, and the price for horses should be nerfed to 10k unless you lose your horse forever on it's death is removed. and and idea for one new tier - cobalt (blue metal not trans to tell from mith) worse than mithril but better than steel, requires level 20 mining to mine. new items - lance, a lance is more powerful and costly than a javelin but you can get prone to get hit while try to deal dmg with it Bars to make it - 10 of thetype you want it to be and it's good for attacking while on a horse.
War hammer, The most costly yet powerful weapon in the LoB world slow attack speed bronze has a base dmg of 35 iron of 45 steel of 55 cobalt of 60 mith of 70 and addmantite of 80 but it takes 15 of a bar to  make it has two attacks - slashing (weak but fastish) and slamming (strong but slow) the slam is a Area of Effect so if you are getting mobbed by say ogres slamming will deal with them no problem and if it's cobalt or higher it launches the ogre (again refrence) in to the air maybe doing some falling dmg too. and finally armor, armor is simple - 2 defence pts = -1 dmg taken the defence for a armor starts at 4 for bronxe the multiply the previous armor level of  the tier before it ec iron would be 8 steel would be 16 and so on. lastly new town - alyswell north the alyswell (the current one) when this town gts realesed the current alyswell is renamed, alyswell south. alyswell north can be reached via boat or the cave to the west of alyswell south. alywell north has a cave nearby called, the cavern of the past.
completeing the cavern of the past unlocks healing magic. and then there is whitestone ruins whitch to unlock it you just have to go to the end of the whitestone cavern compelting whitestone ruins unlocks the abilty to make healing and mana potions at a cauldron.

Well, that was probably the hardest thing to read i've ever read in my entire life. Learn punctuation and better grammar.
Still, there were some good ideas from that. Most of those ideas are things that would take a long time to make, and you wouldn't get very much out of it. We are always working on new towns. Past the cave off to the left of Alyswell is the Desert, which Skill4Life is building. It already is looking great, please be patient. I am also working on something else, which i'm keeping secret for no reason other than to surprise the players. Armor is on the list of things to make eventually, again just have patience. If Elm doesnt make it, I will.

Here's my rateing of the server - 9.5/10 Addicting but it should  be easyer to farm.

Sorry for double post but two things - bump and Why is adamantite green? i mean what game is adamantite/adamantine green? it's normally red.

Sorry for double post but two things - bump and Why is adamantite green? i mean what game is adamantite/adamantine green? it's normally red.

this mod seems to be based off of runescape, though idk because i'm not elm

i've personally always considered green the normal colour for it

This server sucks if you ask me. Host has an ego the size of the Burj Khalifa, build is a pile of crap, and the mod has many flaws. One of the worst layed out mods I've ever seen.

the client doesnt work i pasted the client_lob and it doesnt work and it isnt client_lob(1)

I found Kalen had been afk-training for some time this morning:


The client is broken and doesn't let you spawn. The owner is an egotistical jerk who can't take suggestions and criticism. The build is sub par.

Overall, I don't like this so-called "RPG" and I would certainly not recommend you join this server. This server blows.

New poll for guild requirements guys.

I found SpeedBlade had been afk-training for some time this morning:


K413N's image is a lazy Photoshop edit of SpeedBlade's.

The server is down, Elm was talking about having to pay for more RTB hosting, so I assume he ran out of it.