Author Topic: This week is just the beginning of a civil rights movement for marriage equality  (Read 6947 times)

I know, but I'm just saying it seems kind of unfair.

No not really. The owner of the building has the right to do what they want with their building, as long as they stay within the law. Your house/You Parents house is theirs/yours. They set the rules and if someone wants to come over and have like a strip party or something in your house, I doubt they/you would be cool with that. (Just an example, I really don't know what you/your parents would do in that case)

Well, the gay people could've just stopped going there. They didn't have to do things to make the company go insane.
I really don't know what happened other than people boycotting them and some Christians getting butthurt at the boycotters.

I only said I'm against them marrying in our churches.
If you don't want to see a same-love marriage, then don't go to one.

That's not entirely true, as Captn said, the pastor is wrong because many other things were lifted, but not everything.
And this is one of my problems with religion. You'd think and all-powerful, all-knowing being would see that there's some confusion going on about what he expects his believers to do, and do something to clear up that confusion, but instead we have a bunch of sects, and people within these sects, who disagree on all sorts of things about what they're expected to do.

Wanna hear something? I'm going to be my friends best man at a gay wedding.
If any of you have a problem than give me one good reason for it to be a problem.

No not really. The owner of the building has the right to do what they want with their building, as long as they stay within the law. Your house/You Parents house is theirs/yours. They set the rules and if someone wants to come over and have like a strip party or something in your house, I doubt they/you would be cool with that. (Just an example, I really don't know what you/your parents would do in that case)
Yes, but that's a different and more extreme situation. In this case, why should they be denied to just go in and get married? If the church wont do it can't they hire someone else to get them married or something? I mean it just seems a bit silly that they would be denied a simple request because of their opinion.

That's nice to hear, I asked you to give me a legitimate source of evidence of where do feminists feel as if they are superior to men; you failed to do so and now you are butthurt.

Whenever you speak, I want to vomit since 90% of what you say isn't true.
"You can't hit girl."

'nuff said

I also heard girls say they are smarter than boys because they are girls.

I heard this even against a man and a women.

Also, if you divorce a women(in some areas of the region), they can take almost everything you have unless you had some sort of agreement that I forgot about.

Yes, but that's a different and more extreme situation. In this case, why should they be denied to just go in and get married? If the church wont do it can't they hire someone else to get them married or something? I mean it just seems a bit silly that they would be denied a simple request because of their opinion.

I don't see this as a problem in, say, a school building where a Church meets. A building bought for Church purposes is their for Christians. I see what you are saying, and really the only thing I can say is I would really be comfortable in a Church that advocates something I do not believe is right. So I guess you could say it is unfair. But then it would be unfair that most Muslim countries persecute Christians. You could say that any opinion is unfair.

Wanna hear something? I'm going to be my friends best man at a gay wedding.
If any of you have a problem than give me one good reason for it to be a problem.

Okay...? You obviously don't have a problem with gay marriage. I have reasons why it would be a good reason for me, but to you it would be nothing.

There is literally no legitimate reason to oppose the right to gay marriage in general. I don't think churches should be forced to allow a wedding to take place there, though.

I really don't know what happened other than people boycotting them and some Christians getting butthurt at the boycotters.
They were trying to annoy Christians by showing off their homoloveuality and therefore being nosy about it.
If you don't want to see a same-love marriage, then don't go to one.
Going to see one is different from a church hosting one.
And this is one of my problems with religion. You'd think and all-powerful, all-knowing being would see that there's some confusion going on about what he expects his believers to do, and do something to clear up that confusion, but instead we have a bunch of sects, and people within these sects, who disagree on all sorts of things about what they're expected to do.
He allows confusion because sin overcomes everyone. Clearing up confusion would make it all too easy to go to a good place. If he let everyone into Heaven, it would be the fall of man all over again. Sections in the body of Christ will argue, but in the afterlife, it will be all cleared up for them.
There is literally no legitimate reason to oppose the right to gay marriage in general. I don't think churches should be forced to allow a wedding to take place there, though.
Thank you. At least some people like Wynd thinks like me.

BlahBlahBlah-Prohibiting same-love marriage is the same thing as segregation (whites weren't allowed to marry blacks).-Blahblahblah

Actually it isn't...

A white man and a black woman can make babies.

A man and a man can't...

It's still a form of segregation, but who cares if a couple is fertile, lol? There are hetero couples incapable of procreation.

It's still a form of segregation, but who cares if a couple is fertile, lol? There are hetero couples incapable of procreation.