Author Topic: Boston Marathon rocked by explosion  (Read 13965 times)

So the Boston Marathon just got hit by an explosion.

I thought I'd provide some more information. As of 5:35 Eastern Standard Time;

  • Approximately an hour after the initial two bombings, a small fire broke out at the John F. Kennedy Library. It is unconfirmed if it is related to the event on Boylson street.
  • There are approximately 100+ people injured, 23 critically. Two are dead. Most injuries are orthopedic and include traumatic amputations.
  • The Boston 'T' transit system has been shut down in the immediate area, and many facilities in the city of Boston have been evacuated including the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
  • Counter-terrorism units have been deployed to the following cities, as well as many others. If you see increased law enforcement in these cities, do not be alarmed. The cities are as follows: New York, NY; Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia, PA; Baltimore, MD; Los Angeles, CA.
  • There have since been multiple low flashpoint devices found.
  • Google has created a Person Finder to locate individuals and to provide information. If you have any information on this event on a person of interest, please go here.

EDIT: The Boston Bruins game versus the Ottawa Senators at the TD Center has been cancelled. Infomation regarding person of interest has been removed, cannot be confirmed. President Obama will address the nation at 6:10 PM Eastern Standard Time on all major news networks.

EDIT 2: According to the [REDACTED], a person of interest has been identified and is under guard at Boston Hospital. More information will be provided as it comes in.

EDIT 3: Cellular service has been shut down in the Boston area. There are conflicting reports on the number of casualties; there may be up to twelve dead, but this is unconfirmed. This has been called a terrorist incident.

EDIT 4: EDIT 2 is now null and void; Boston law enforcement has confirmed that a 20-year old Saudi individual is not a person of interest. An eyewitness has reported he witnessed the epicenter of the explosion originating from a trash bin. Addendum: The JFK Library fire is supposedly not related.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 07:36:02 PM by Gojira »

I hope they could run fast

I was about to post this.

coria is sndin nukes!!!

Probably was north Korea's nukes.

I couldn't even see the explosion from the poor video quality

Wow, just saw this on news

North korea?

I guess you could say it ended in a bang.

Best bet is north Korea, today is Kim ill suns birthday, the first of the kim family

The Super Duper Left Wing is probably cooking up more legislation as we speak

I've heard of photo finishes before but this is ridiculous.

The Super Duper Left Wing is probably cooking up more legislation as we speak
My parents joked about that a bit haha

Update: 3 are reportedly dead

Update 2:
"The Boston Herald reports that at least 12 people are injured and Boston Police now says that at least 3 people have died. Jackie Bruno, and anchor and reporter for NECN tweeted, “I saw people’s legs blown off. Horrific. Two explosions. Runners were coming in and saw unspeakable horror.”

Police scanner reports also indicate the presence of multiple suspicious devices. Bomb dogs are now being brought in.

Massachusetts General Hospital has told ABC that at least 4 patients have been received from the Boston Marathon explosion. "
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 03:41:01 PM by Gojira »