Author Topic: Make fun of a avatar 2  (Read 6442 times)

Same thing as the last one: Make fun of the above user's avatar, have fun :D

Kool aid killer is old

you cropped it from a wallpaper

It still has the santa hats on. Geez, boy.

I really can't make fun of that.

Can't read yours.

wow thanks just skip me that's fine i'm not sad :(

yay, I remember when I made this topic.

OT: Suits get dirty, and moldy, and UGLY AS stuff

Mexican transformer, transforms into uuhh

idk... a

It would look cooler if it shines

Girl: oh hell no he aint havin' love with him!

I don't believe yours is even of a real thing!

Floating and ignoring switzerland, just like everyone else.

Taken off the forums- what a snake