Author Topic: Ajc433 (anthonyrules144) - Drama Fishing, Hypocrite  (Read 2589 times)

So you likely noticed Ajc's two dramas on your way into the drama section.

The first one of the two posted as of June 2nd.( While there was no abuse here, there is name copying and the admin is a bit of a richard. More on why this is hypocritical later.
The second one ( however, was unprovoked. He bashed an admin and got banned and made a drama. He provided no evidence that anything was being done wrong and instead opted to take pictures of himself being a richard and then his ban message. He either is too stupid to cite actual evidence or was trying to find an excuse to make another drama.

Now, if you haven't lurked here previously, you might not know about these two threads, - Abusing administrative powers - Crying because someone caught his abuse, tries to levy blame on person who gave him admin

AJC can't seem to understand that he is in no position to talk about abuse. He's a hypocrite. You can't just make dramas about abuse when you yourself have a history of the same thing. The bigger thing is that he tried to blame Mew for giving him admin, which is like suing the spoon company for making you fat.

He also can't seem to stem the flow of bullstuff from his keyboard. Here's a couple examples.
Explain to me why you posted this, and what your real life is like
I understand you're mad, but you just have problems if your going to post somthing like this, you and mew WERE GOOD FRIENDS
now you've turn into a distater, became an idiot, and flamed me and Mew, you're pretty damn stupid.
- From the drama he was caught abusing in - This thread where he calls the community stupid (Ironic, right?)

In the words of AJC,
Share this with all your friends? lol

His name explains everything



he is also a horrible admin. he had moderator at a server where i was SA, and i immediately removed his mod, because before he was a huge richard to players (not to mention a horrible mod/admin).

Anthony uses his magical begging to get admin and abuse it. That's pretty much it about him.

Anthony uses his magical begging to get admin and abuse it. That's pretty much it about him.
Isn't "Ask for admin" against the rules on like...
ALL servers?

Isn't "Ask for admin" against the rules on like...
ALL servers?

Why would it be against the rules? You can just say no.

Why would it be against the rules? You can just say no.
A lot of servers I have been on don't have the time to deal with people begging for admin so they can abuse it, so they just kick them out.
It's almost never really a ban, but they just don't have the time to say "No" and have them say "PLEAAASE" and end up spamming the server.

Isn't "Ask for admin" against the rules on like...
ALL servers?

magical begging

when i occasionally see him on servers he tries to gain some kind of leverage with an admin by flashing his bl_id

High support, I can't believe a person with a 4 digit BL_ID is this dumb.

I can't believe a person with a 4 digit BL_ID is this dumb.

Are you stuffting me?