Author Topic: Clan BotB (Brothers of the Brick)  (Read 31212 times)

I'm not exactly a friend if i'm used as some sort of backing for bullying someone am i?
i never asked you to bully someone, i just asked you to go on that server and ask me to get unbanned. then you said Kyle didn't want to, so i told you to tell him i just wanna talk and leave, then you said he'll unban me, one hour after, i asked you why im still banned, and you said hes probably lazy. jeez, thanks pal.

I'm not talking about that. Please expain why i was pulled into an MSN convo where i was supposedly on your side, to bully some poor sod.
jeez, thanks pal.
Your quite welcome.



Go make another Topic if you want to Discuss Him.


Kyle, If we do, do the ranking system, I would love to be a recruiter. People always come to my server

"Not up to me."
"Kyle and Tony"

I would have been fine with you in the clan, I've never seen you do anything handicapped, I saw a build of yours that my friend saved, it was cool. LoserHero is just a loser that is an hero. And a crybaby.

Now you have insulted Guy and Myself. I will assess this with Kyle.

I'm not exactly a friend if i'm used as some sort of backing for bullying someone am i?
i never asked you to bully someone, i just asked you to go on that server and ask me to get unbanned. then you said Kyle didn't want to, so i told you to tell him i just wanna talk and leave, then you said he'll unban me, one hour after, i asked you why im still banned, and you said hes probably lazy. jeez, thanks pal.

You are banned.



I've insulted this clan before, when I thought it was all just noobs trying to copy MotE.

Then I got more into Blockland and learned you're okay.

No one's going to care, especially him. Don't try and be all tough by perma banning someone because they dislike you.

It's the matter of maintaining BotB etiquette. We are not power hungry, but we do require respect.

Unreasonable harassment will result in some sort of ban just to avoid more of it.

I'm sure you understand.
It still won't solve anything.

It prevents numerous fights and long empty arguments.

We are not trying to solve the other persons attitude. That is up to them to work on.

We are preventing and preserving.

A very simple concept. Now move along.

We need somebody to host a server, as I haven't seen one up in about three days. :\

Wowza loser there is a modify button... anyways, what's the verdict on the rank system?

LoserHero i have been delivered the news that you are quitting BotB. Is this true?

If so please don't quit. Tell me whats wrong and i will fix it. Don't get discouraged by something you can't handle. You have my highests respects and i will fix what is wrong.

LoserHero has left the clan. Our first member to leave on thier own whim, LoserHero you may reapply if you find it neccasairy (sp?) You were one of the most Senor clan members but until you reapp take off your tags.

I'll post my app soon. Tony already saw the 1.5% percent I have finished

LoserHero has left the clan. Our first member to leave on thier own whim, LoserHero you may reapply if you find it neccasairy (sp?) You were one of the most Senor clan members but until you reapp take off your tags.

Did we find out the reason or not? Loser, if you are reading this, do please tell. He was one of our most honorary, more well-liked members. If this is final, I might rethink my standing in the clan also. I will goto join whatever clan LoserHero joins, albeit a good one. Possibly.

Nothing is set in stone. I don't want to ruin my reputation with the clan, but I liked having LoserHero around on our servers...



So Whats going on with our Ranking System?

Well... ummm, anyways, good luck with the clan, After MotE, this clan wins.