Author Topic: TITANIC (Latest update pg. 38. Current as of 13 Mar 15)  (Read 82203 times)

oh man, i remember joining the server for the build when barely the bow of it was started and before it got all these custom parts added onto it

it's so nice to see how far it's gone from bare bones and a few bits of the hull + rooms to a full, actual ship build
Yup, the first time I joined, they hardly got the hull outlined.

I would be very careful to back up every single add-on you use in a file. The main problem with builds like these is that you lose your add-ons and can't get them back together again.

No. We'll have every hallway and door at least, so "none" of the ship will be off limits, however, most rooms were cookie cutter rooms and would be a waste of bricks.
You will have the occasional room with an open door to break it up though right?

after you're done make the Queen Mary

after you're done make the Queen Mary
Queen Mary: Coming to you January 2018



Anyway, I'll have to do a proper update when I get home from work later tonight. For now, here's a teaser for new first class areas:

Wow that's really nice of you!

On topic: This looks really nice!

Queen Mary: Coming to you January 2018*
*unless blockland is ded by then

I didn't get to work on it too much tonight, but I did take a better screenshot. I also took some screens of things I'm pretty sure I haven't posted, such as the first class dining saloon, my blue ensign flag. I also added another random shot of the grand staircase with a wide field of view.

And then I had an idea...

Those cut in shots are loving awesome

I cleared out some walls to reveal more.


jack and rose couldnt get a life boat because the server was limited to 25 bots