Author Topic: Search Your First Name In The Urban Dictionary  (Read 3013 times)

"The most beautiful, angelic, ambrosial, enticing, gorgeous, enamoring, pretty, amazing, lovely, lovable, and wonderful girl anyone could ever met. The girl any guy would dream about spending their life with."

"A super hot amazing girl every guy wants. She is incredibly lovey and is often mistaken for a goddess. Mayas are often envied by other women, because they are good at EVERYTHING. Any guy would be very lucky to have a Maya, not only because they are pleasing to the eyes."

"A beautiful, smart woman. She loves texting and going on the internet, but at the same time she LOVES the outdoors. She loves water, pools, oceans, lakes you name it. If you don't find Maya in the garden, cooking, texting, bike riding, or at the pool, she is probably reading a book. Maya's are beautiful inside and out, never hurt a Maya for she will never forgive you. Maya's don't let things go. If you are lucky enough to get a Maya never let her go, treasure her forever!"

only two definitions for mine

the first one is a really crappy definition I added about two years ago
the other one just doesn't make any sense at all

why is my first name so uncommon ;_;
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 04:41:23 PM by dargereldren »


1.someone who has achieved the mastery of greatness
2.someone you would stride to be like
3.a manifestation of excellence
4.basically the raw-est brother God could create
Jared is the best

I lost my girlfriend to Jared... oh well

My wife is screwing Jared

This is... interesting.

A Nathaniel, is a person who despite what people think is ALWAYS high. A Nathaniels body naturally produces chemicals to create a high if a drug is not present.
Guy 1: that guy seems to be having a good time.

Guy 2: well yeah, he's a nathaniel. They are naturally high.
hyper awsome uber kid normally asumed cool by many. But is usually found to be on drugs...
boy 1:Dude have you met Nathaniel he's frikin awsome
boy 2: He's on drugs dude
boy 1:That explains it
Cool ass mofo, lovey as hell, and will shoot yo bitch ass, if you get in his way, could either be a skater or a gangsta, anyways he is good in bed and a god in the streets.
Dude, that guy who just forgete that bitch then shot her is a tottal Nathaniel, I wato be just like him!
What the hell

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo

out going, man whore, knows what to say to get the woman, parents love him
damn abel please come again ;D


A very sweet boyfriend who plays their music WAY TOO ANNOYINGLY LOUD! Almost always tall. His mom cooks great food and he is always willing to share with you. You are very lucky if you have an Ismail in your life.
"hows your boyfriend?'

"He's great...he's an ismail" :D

1. Something that is very cool
2. Doing anything that is very cool

1. stuffs thats very Ismail
2. Lets get some Ismail going on here

My name is loving awesome.

I don't know what to think. I am intelligent, and I guess I do like Physics and Calculus, even though I never took those classes yet. I don't think I'm handsome or charming, I'm a quiet person that has a good number of friends.



I bet most of these are made by the people who have the same name

An absolutely flawless individual that possesses nearly super-human intelligence, almost ridiculous good looks, an incredibly knack for athletic events, and unrivaled talent in everything they do. Also, someone that everyone else wishes they could be like.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 08:40:22 PM by slimabob »

I bet most of these are made by the people who have the same name

I agree, or by others that know a person with that name. I can imagine someone with the same name making their name sound cool, and someone who hates someone with that name making the name seem very stuffty.

3) A wonderful, strong and loyal person. The kind of person you'd want as your best friend. The kind of person you would do anything for. Be anyone for. Not many people notice that kind of person to be such a gift. Hard to get to know. Easy to lose. It's what I love him for. Don't ever let a person like that slip through your fingers. You will regret it.


The urban dictionary is actually a joke website.
Not real.

Sam means the name of one person who is: