
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102374 times)

Quote from: hammereditor²
HamHost's main server is in Dallas, Texas; a location which is relatively in the center of the country. This makes sure that players everywhere will get lower ping/latency.

Um, how is it that the server is located in Texas when it's actually in Germany? I looked it up and also pinged it and they both indicate that it is in Germany. I am getting 150-170ms in game latency and 139ms pings.

1. The server uses a normal HDD. What would you expect?
2. I understand that there are legitimate uses of .DLL injection, and it is not hacking most of the time. But I cannot take any risks, and enable malicious users to tamper with other users' files by injecting a .dll.
That file is encrypted, and you cannot view the Blockland key on it.
Well I would expect a hosting service to at least use a good drive. Get an SSD they aren't that much, or just buy a server here and let your users rent it from you. Cheap Servers

Also I recommend getting your own website as a free hosting service makes you look like a cheap-o since people do have to pay for this hosting I believe. You can get domains for 50-cents here: NetworkSolutions
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 03:38:04 PM by Matthew Padilla »

Well I would expect a hosting service to at least use a good drive. Get an SSD they aren't that much, or just buy a server here and let your users rent it from you. Cheap Servers

Also I recommend getting your own website as a free hosting service makes you look like a cheap-o since people do have to pay for this hosting I believe. You can get domains for 50-cents here: NetworkSolutions
he has a website, hammereditor.net


There is already the www.hammereditor.net domain.

It's not easy for hammer to get a VPS with an SSD for a cheap price.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 08:15:04 PM by {Pacnet2013} »

Yea but it is a 404.
WWW.hammereditor.net is the address to use.
I think he'll make a redirection page
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 08:14:41 PM by {Pacnet2013} »

So you're also working on this?! Why doesn't it say so in the op?!

So you're also working on this?! Why doesn't it say so in the op?!
Pacnet is working on this, although he doesn't have any position in the hosting service.

Think you should restrict the content so people dont go looking in your directories?

Well I would expect a hosting service to at least use a good drive. Get an SSD they aren't that much, or just buy a server here and let your users rent it from you. Cheap Servers

RTB was running ~30 servers per node with normal disks, SSDs won't do much for Blockland (we use them anyway obv).

Germany is a less than ideal location, I suggest you search the Web Hosting Talk offers forum for a better server.

RTB was running ~30 servers per node with normal disks, SSDs won't do much for Blockland (we use them anyway obv).

Germany is a less than ideal location, I suggest you search the Web Hosting Talk offers forum for a better server.
It is relatively easy to find a Windows dedicated/VPS hybrid server or VPS.

It is much harder to find one which has at least 4 GB of RAM, doesn't have a slow CPU, and is $30/month or below.
I looked for about a week (1.5 hours a day on average) trying to find a server like that. It was so hard that I only found 4 good providers.
All of them were located in Europe.

It's giving me an error, saying it's too old, yet I downloaded it from this topic.
Code: [Select]
ERROR: The version of your client program is too low. Please update it from http://hammereditor.net/files/ to the latest version.
Version information: Your version: -1.0 Min. allowed version: 0.9 Latest version: 0.91.

It is relatively easy to find a Windows dedicated/VPS hybrid server or VPS.

It is much harder to find one which has at least 4 GB of RAM, doesn't have a slow CPU, and is $30/month or below.
I looked for about a week (1.5 hours a day on average) trying to find a server like that. It was so hard that I only found 4 good providers.
All of them were located in Europe.
well for $30/month you obviously won't get a quality dedicated server ...?

well for $30/month you obviously won't get a quality dedicated server ...?
Obviously not. But Contabo.com is an exception.

It's giving me an error, saying it's too old, yet I downloaded it from this topic.
Code: [Select]
ERROR: The version of your client program is too low. Please update it from http://hammereditor.net/files/ to the latest version.
Version information: Your version: -1.0 Min. allowed version: 0.9 Latest version: 0.91.
What is the OS which you downloaded it for?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 04:40:51 PM by hammereditor² »