Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105458 times)

It's okay. There's still time to celebrate!

I got banned for doing that, by the way.

It's okay. There's still time to celebrate!

Be careful, unless you want your arse ate.

Would be nice if RTB was included by default.
I'm surprised it isn't already

Would be nice if RTB was included by default.

RTB does not work on certain versions of Mac OS X and also slows down the game a bit in general.

I'm extremely /late, but still pretty excited about this.

Would be nice if RTB was included by default.
rtb lowers framerate by 7 fps

I got banned for doing that, by the way.
Be careful, unless you want your arse ate.
Wait, what did Electrk do?


Times 30.
But how does that break a rule? Sure, it's weird to include a lot of spacing like that, but why is it bannable?

It counts as pagespam I suppose

It counts as pagespam I suppose
I guess if you overdo it, but Electrk only did it a couple times. I don't know.

Would be nice if RTB was included by default.
I'm surprised it isn't already
RTB does not work on certain versions of Mac OS X and also slows down the game a bit in general.
Actually, what we need is a way for players to get "RTB" (or at least some minimal version that can get add-ons from RTB or any other future repositories) without ever touching the system's filesystem by making it a game feature. That could definitely clear up a lot of issues with "the add-on to get all add-ons".

You put a lot of effort into that triple quote.
I wanted to respond to all of them and decided to just keep the quotes intact. Don't forget that SMF has nested quoting enabled by default.

I've noticed that Badspot hasn't quite gotten Blockland on Steam yet?