
I just want to know.

Its fake
Its real

Author Topic: Is adventure mode fake?  (Read 9601 times)

What's the password?
you have to unlock it by playing through the first world of adventure mode

you have to unlock it by playing through the first world of adventure mode

Oh I see. Your not actually making anything, the link was just a way to keep the joke alive.

I'm loving done.

Oh I see. Your not actually making anything, the link was just a way to keep the joke alive.

I'm loving done.
Stop trying to defend the secret, we already revealed it.

But none of you guys have been to the lounge.

It's fake, the people saying "Omg tips on ahow 2 defeat dizu iceking boss from world 4 in adventure mode" are just trying to mess with your brain.

Know what idc im still gonna look for it and when I find it I wont post about it and your sorry ass will be left wondering

Oh I see. Your not actually making anything, the link was just a way to keep the joke alive.

I'm loving done.
No actually me and swollow are starting to work on it, we can only tell the pass if you tell us why you want to sign up and stuff.

It's as real as Renderman.

It's as real as Renderman.
accept Renderman was added in a Halloween update, Adventure mode was added way back.

There really isn't anything stopping someone from anonymously posting a video of this mode on YouTube or something, is there? 'Cause at this point, I don't know what to believe. O.o

Its an overused stuffty joke that should just die.

So in otherwords, yes.

lol someone feels left out of the clubhouse.

you go right on believing whatever makes you feel better.

I don't accept invitations.
AS if you got invited.

Shut the forget up and let them have their fun, there is absolutely no reason for you to stop, it just makes you an starfish.

you guys are kind of starfishs

Kinda sad if that's how you get your kicks...

Also kinda sad how you get your kicks out of being an insane buzzkill.

Quit being an annoying person who needs to show how much more intelligent he is because he doesn't go along with jokes.

ITT: handicaps thinking they're funny

Also kinda sad how you get your kicks out of being an insane buzzkill.
The joke is old, stupid and milked to bare bones. It was fun only once. There is no buzzkilling to do here.

ITT: handicaps thinking they're funny
The joke is old, stupid and milked to bare bones. It was fun only once. There is no buzzkilling to do here.
