Author Topic: Char's Mini-Comics and other art (have you practiced your holy counter today?)  (Read 401708 times)

I did this on the first week of school
(that being tell someone that I had an invisible quarter)

fun fact: the guy I told I had an invisible quarter to was apparently very annoyed by it the rest of the day.

fun fact: the guy I told I had an invisible quarter to was apparently very annoyed by it the rest of the day.

do one about some rightie writing a test with a leftie next to him and they keep elbowing eachother

do one about some rightie writing a test with a leftie next to him and they keep elbowing eachother
in gif form~

do one about some rightie writing a test with a leftie next to him and they keep elbowing eachother

i'll get on that

also sorry for no comics here's a new one

I think I'll start working on illustrations at school for a list of the "main" characters.

Yeah, I don't see how most of these are funny.

1. Doesn't make any sense? A guy has a hat with a brick?

2. He misses. Oh well.

3. This is pretty clever.

4. This seems better off as part of a full comic.

5. He misses. Again.

Like maybe you can explain what even is going on? Right now it seems like you are just making it not understandable so people think its funny.

I think they are inside jokes or something.

4. This seems better off as part of a full comic.

What do you mean by that? Like, do you think it should have had more at the end? I don't think really anything could be added to the start.

Like maybe you can explain what even is going on? Right now it seems like you are just making it not understandable so people think its funny.

all the comics I've posted here except the first were things that happened at school that I thought were funny, so...

I think they are inside jokes or something.

not that I know of

this happened in sixth grade, no idea what that guy was doing

also I am such a terrible person
I procrastinated six days on a thing that I like to do

Yeah, I don't see how most of these are funny.

Like maybe you can explain what even is going on? Right now it seems like you are just making it not understandable so people think its funny.
it isn't for the purpose of humor.
he's illustrating scenes from his life (/school??).

it isn't for the purpose of humor.
he's illustrating scenes from his life (/school??).
Never knew he was blue and always wore a green scarf
along with his friends who have extremely pointy ears

it isn't for the purpose of humor.
he's illustrating scenes from his life (/school??).
all the comics I've posted here except the first were things that happened at school that I thought were funny, so...

Never knew he was blue and always wore a green scarf
along with his friends who have extremely pointy ears
I'm not going to draw humans.
i'm terrible at that

The comics are cute, and your good at art
I guess its just not my sense of humor

Never knew he was blue and always wore a green scarf
along with his friends who have extremely pointy ears
oh come on now that doesn't even support your point
just because the characters don't look realistic doesn't mean char's aiming at humoring you

just because the characters don't look realistic doesn't mean char's aiming at humoring you

But I kinda am, because it was stuff that was funny to me...
obviously it depends on the person whether or not they find it funny though

I'm not going to draw humans.
i'm terrible at that


aaah it's bad
I think the head is too big and I made the pose really stiff eee
and I'm bad at drawing pretty much any body part on a person ;-;