Author Topic: Char's Mini-Comics and other art (have you practiced your holy counter today?)  (Read 401703 times)

can i catch them all

if you do you get 5 bitcoin from me

am i the only one that is terribly confused by most of these comics, even the ones that are in english?

probably not
I guess my life is just kinda weird like that, since all comics except the first are things that really happened

why's it look as if whatever you're drawing in can't decide if it wants to use anti-aliasing or not
it's like just a weird blur

why's it look as if whatever you're drawing in can't decide if it wants to use anti-aliasing or not

i use flash 8
does that explain something

and the OP character list is in firealpaca

forget I just realized that the first guy in the last comic was supposed to be the same as the first guy in this one
they're twins
the reason I screwed up the colors is that I somehow made the whole character a shade of blue on the last comic he was in on accident because Flash
and I didn't think to check the PNG I exported for a reference, but I did this time

but anyways, new comic
outdoors football

the background is lazy because my tablet is being a pain and having a faulty connection so it keeps going on and off and I had to finish it with an older one I had

anyways I drew a little bit of stuff outside of this thread
I drew this in the Drawings Megathread to try shading for no reason

and I drew this on MARBLE MAN's birthday
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 10:48:21 PM by Char »

can someone else post something? It's lonely in here :c

200 yen per donut? that's ridiculous

wait so char do you live in japan and know english?

wait so char do you live in japan and know english?

no, I live in the US and know a bit of Japanese
...but I wish it was how you said, that would be really cool

if he was in japan he would probably not be online because of the ridiculous forgetin blizzard that just hit
(at least in the north, i don't know anyone lower than tokya)

today in history class we were talking about Isaac Newton

(clicky for bigger picture even though it's not really needed)

my tablet was being a butt so I didn't redraw it on the computer
I probably could have chosen better wording for "discover gravity", but whatever.

also this reveals my inability to draw lines and draw something almost the same oh noooo


i'm still drawing in class, promise
but I've really just been lacking motivation...

also random switch to black and white

*i just edited this twice in under a small period of time, hooray for error-checking before uploading*
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 09:47:57 PM by Char »

i love teachers like that

you learn so much more than just the subject

and these comics are cute. just that you need to note its not always for humor.
a lot of humor is conditional and the fact you captured that kind of condition in two or three of your comics so far is p impressive.

Why haven't I been seeing these because these are adorable

i love teachers like that

you learn so much more than just the subject

and these comics are cute. just that you need to note its not always for humor.
a lot of humor is conditional and the fact you captured that kind of condition in two or three of your comics so far is p impressive.

also the rest of it is probably coming tomorrow unless I end up finishing it today
though I don't know how I could say it's not always for humor since it's usually stuff I find funny

Why haven't I been seeing these because these are adorable

thanks, too
you probably didn't see them since the last time I updated was like 3 weeks ago, almost a month