Author Topic: Char's Mini-Comics and other art (have you practiced your holy counter today?)  (Read 442971 times)

rare footage of char actually drawing a human

it was velvet's bday yesterday but i didn't post here lol

wtf how is she wearing the amulet of kings

wtf how is she wearing the amulet of kings

the ectawhoozits fortiwhatsit

we need more of this
also couldnt find this topic for so long because some absolute jakewad changed the friggin title to 'dragon boobs megathread' and i never saw the long 'chars friggin comics' so i never found it
« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 10:16:38 PM by crazies alt »

also couldnt find this topic for so long because some absolute jakewad changed the friggin title to 'dragon boobs megathread' and i never saw the long 'chars friggin comics' so i never found it

huh... are you stuck in 1 day of 2016

Crazy isn't the smartest crayon in the toolshed

huh... are you stuck in 1 day of 2016
answer me whats why did you change the title???