Author Topic: Zealot's "Gritty Grapnel RP"  (Read 32896 times)

You are a sick, twisted, son of a bitch.

First Gritty Grapnel and now 9/11, how do you live with yourself?

I can take a joke, but I've never considered national tragedies a laughing matter.
Well, apparently we do  :cookieMonster:

I dunno. I'm pretty happy with my life. Maybe it's because I don't get so upset over little things that don't matter. Like text on an internet server list.
Live with a sense of humor. You aren't going to have much fun in life if you treat everything like a big problem that requires a drama topic.

Realize that you can't fix problems and laugh at them. It wont hurt anybody.

I guess what I'm having such a hard time understanding is: why do you go out of your way to be offensive? What if the family of a victim of the Gritty Grapnel shooting saw this? Or what if someone who's family died on 9/11 saw your video?

I don't see a punchline in this.

it's hardly offensive to me because it doesn't really affect me

but what kind of tasteless pleb just runs in and says "lol guys Gritty Grapnel!!" or "lol 9/11"? there should atleast be a punchline lol

it's literally like going into a room and screaming "CHILDREN BEING KILLED" and expecting people to laugh. The only people who laugh at these jokes are 10 year olds and handicapped edgy teenagers

there are going to be idiots everywhere in life, including the internet.

better get ready.

The massacre of 20 innocent children is hardly something to "joke" about.
thats one hell of an assumption.

i thank the shooter for saving us all.

op needs to grow a pair, holy crud

The massacre of 20 innocent children is hardly something to "joke" about.
plot twist: have of the kids are internet trolling cunts
five year olds can type, right?, right?

The joke was tasteless, but this drama was even more unnecessary.
Especially because you were fully aware that this was halloweenfest server, not Gritty Grapnel RP.

Sounds like OP has a Gritty Grapnel in her vagina.

Sounds like OP has a Gritty Grapnel in her vagina.

I agree that its a stupid joke but dont make a drama about it

Instead of thinking "this guys an starfish they make fun of Gritty Grapnel"
think of it as "this guy has a dumb sense of humor"

thats one hell of an assumption.

i thank the shooter for saving us all.


But seriously though OP, did the title of a server offend you so much that you felt the need to whine about it on the forums, even when you knew it was a halloweenfest server? It makes it seem like your looking for things to drama. Either that or your to sensitive to use the Internet.

People joke about Jews being killed by national socialists all the time.

You are a sick, twisted, son of a bitch.

First Gritty Grapnel and now 9/11, how do you live with yourself?

I can take a joke, but I've never considered national tragedies a laughing matter.
Get a load of this guy!

take a joke for what it is