Author Topic: Kalphiter- Shut. The forget. Up.  (Read 29735 times)

It has taken a large amount of restraint to avoid up until now making this thread. But now I have to rant about this. Other then a profile link, I've left out quotes. I pretty much think everyone on the forum knows about Kalp's stuff. Not to mention it would take hours to gather up all of the times Kalp has pulled this. However if needed I will provided examples.

Kalphiter, you in all honesty need to go the forget away. You have time and time again proven yourself as nothing more of an annoyance to a large majority of these forums. You're ignorant, stubborn, and posses a huge amount of unwarranted self importance.

You can't seem to get it through your armor reinforced skull that you will never win this war you have against the moderators and RTB. You are consistently spewing this "fight the power" bullstuff and it gets very old, very fast. I mean you would think after always being ignored, being banned multiple times, and being told to forget off by Badspot himself, any normal, non-idiotic human being would get the loving point that just maybe they should let off.

But not you. No, you continue to press the issue further and further and wonder why you have become so despised here. It is to the point where that is pretty much the only reason you post anymore. Completely evident by your current account, Kalphiter³.

This account was registered June 26, 4 months ago, and has 25 total posts. I went though these posts and picked out the ones in some way referring to Ephialtes, Lub, or RTB. 77% of this profiles posts related to that. As well as two separate topics you've created attacking Ephi or RTB.

Is this all your current account is here for? To start problems and wars you are well aware you won't win? Like seriously, what the forget goes through your head?

You have some type of idea that the forums are being suppressed by dictators and you are Blockland's only hope to fight off the evil moderators. That it is your job here to "make sure" everything they do is democratic. In reality, nobody asked you to do what you do. You are fighting a war with no cause, its a loving online forum. Deal with the way things are run or go away. You remind me of those people on Youtube who follow police around recording them for the sake of complaining about everything they do.

So Kalphiter, when are you going to understand? When will you get that your opinion does not matter. When will you get no matter how many topics or posts you make it will never change anything. When will you stop forcing us to deal with the never ending amounts of idiocy you choose to spew out on these forums. You are not wanted here, maybe if you behaved like a normal person instead of some rebellion-crazed little child, you would be accepted.

Now I already know what you are going to do. You are going to shun off everything I say here. Because I am some "Ephialtes kiss ass who obviously doesn't care about the fairness of this forum!" When in reality, I'm just sick of seeing you drag out this fight of yours. This view is just your diluted perception of anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion, grabs signs, and joins the Ephialtes picket line. Ephi doesn't bother me, Badspot doesn't bother me, RTB doesn't bother me. And they don't bother anyone who isn't a loving idiot.

Seriously. Cut the bullstuff, stop making topics, stop complaining everywhere you go, and learn to behave like a normal person. Do this or just go away, because 90% of these forums are sick of your stuff.

brb installing blockland cloud

brb installing blockland cloud
it does not exist
or well... in the way kalp said it was gonna be
(i think it removes RTB last i checked)

yea im gonna go check that blockland cloud thing i hear it rules

i picture him being hilariously awkward irl

i picture him being hilariously awkward irl
haha there was this pic circling around of his class with only him sperging out in the middle

brb installing blockland cloud
goddamn i was about to make that joke

haha there was this pic circling around of his class with only him sperging out in the middle
whats he look like
I must know

you guys can't see it, but i have my hand down my pants now

It's like watching a gas station explode in a heavily wooded area. Kicks off loud and everyone knows it's gonna turn into a huge mess that is gonna drag out long after the spectacle has passed.

did we really need this? i feel like kalphiter has been really docile lately and he's not that much of a nuisance. i feel like you're just trying to kick up some dust here.